Search by tag «Game Developers» 5 results

  • 5 More Video Games by Russian Developers

    As we continue to explore the video game industry, we’ve selected five more Russian-produced titles. Today's picks provide every kind of gaming experience, from surviving an Alaskan ordeal and taking a trip to the 41st millennium to delving into the rich local folklore and more.


  • ITMO and Nau Engine Announce Strategic Partnership

    In an exciting development, ITMO University and the open-source Nau Engine have announced their strategic partnership, which, among other things, will entail the inclusion of the game engine into the university’s curricula and its use in development of educational content.


  • Two ITMO Teams Win Web3 Games Hackathon

    Teams Nutcrackers and Valhalla games shared the first place at a recent Web3 games Hack contest, with the first team taking home $1,500 and the second – $500. Both teams will make their games available on TON Play, Telegram’s gaming platform.  


  • New Worlds, Warm Greetings and Research: Why We Love Gaming

    Over the years, public attitude towards gaming has evolved through various stages: from complete disregard to careful appreciation. However, in many minds this cultural phenomenon still continues to be a form of entertainment with possibly dangerous side effects and a mostly young audience. We are here today to demonstrate that there is much more to be discussed in the industry that has been rocketing in the last 20 years. 


  • Go with the Flow, Ask Questions, and Shoot for the Stars: Lessons from a Gamedev Meetup

    Unreal Engine 4 is a popular tool for creating video games. For the second year in a row, this weekend ITMO University hosted a meetup for developers who use this engine in their day-to-day work. Professionals and amateurs attended lectures, participated in workshops and, last but not least, developed their tight-knit community: after all, the meetup’s main goal was not only to give the participants a set of lectures but also introduce them to one another and encourage them to contribute to the solution of the profession’s common problems. ITMO.NEWS, too, stopped by a couple of events to listen to the participants’ stories. 
