Search by tag «Game Development» 44 results

  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #74

    It’s never a slow news day at ITMO.NEWS. Our students, professors, and researchers are always working on something – and our team is always making sure to keep you informed of the latest goings-on in science, tech, and education. From fundamental research to opportunities for future students and ambitious game developers, here are the latest news highlights from the past couple weeks.


  • New Initiative for First-Time Game Devs Launched at ITMO

    ITMO University’s Game Development School is launching a project to support budding game developers. The goal of Finish the Game is to assist teams in fine-tuning, packaging, and releasing their first game. The application period for the program has already started.


  • ITMO.GameDev Day 3: How To Make It Big in Gaming

    The third ITMO.GameDev Day had it all: industry speakers, a project showcase, a Sumo Tatami tournament, a cosplay show, and a board game night. Bringing together over 500 participants, the event was organized in partnership with major Russian game studios and platforms such as VK Play, VK Games, RuStore, and Lesta Games. Read on for the event’s highlights.


  • 5 More Video Games by Russian Developers

    As we continue to explore the video game industry, we’ve selected five more Russian-produced titles. Today's picks provide every kind of gaming experience, from surviving an Alaskan ordeal and taking a trip to the 41st millennium to delving into the rich local folklore and more.


  • Atompunk, Horror, and More: Video Games by Russian Developers

    Apart from the pioneering Tetris and the memeable Lizards Must Die, the Russian game scene can boast a heap of other binge-worthy video games, much loved by gamers in Russia and beyond.


  • Student Video Games and Expert Talks: Highlights of First ITMO.GameDev Day

    Over 400 visitors of the recent ITMO.GameDev Day conference tested 18 video and board games created by students of Russian universities while learning more about game development by the industry’s leading experts. The event was organized by ITMO’s Game Development School. 


  • ITMO Student Wins ArtMasters Championship With Economic Simulator About Hermitage Cats

    Eva Avocado is a student at ITMO’s Faculty of Infocommunication Technologies, and for the last two years she has been developing games. Recently, she won ArtMasters, the open national championship of creative competencies. Eva won in the category Game Designer and received a 500,000 rubles award, hardware, and an internship invitation from an IT company. In this article, she tells us how she accomplished this incredible feat.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #40

    Fittingly for this “anniversary” installment of our science digest, we have a whole slew of research updates to share: from anti-cancer and computing breakthroughs to a dive into the science of memes.


  • ITMO and Nau Engine Announce Strategic Partnership

    In an exciting development, ITMO University and the open-source Nau Engine have announced their strategic partnership, which, among other things, will entail the inclusion of the game engine into the university’s curricula and its use in development of educational content.


  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #38

    The new academic year is here! In today’s recap of science-themed reports from ITMO.NEWS, we focus on learning in all its forms: from developments on the awaited ITMO Highpark campus to insights into the Russian higher education system and opportunities for ITMO students. Pens ready, notebooks open? Let’s begin!
