Search by tag «Glass-ceramics» 2 results

  • Picture of the Week: Magneto-Active Glass-Ceramics

    This material allows scientists to create important elements for optical isolators to be applied in optic communication lines. In the picture, you can see the way it glows in a magnetic field.


  • Scientists Develop Method to Facilitate Plant Growth with Glass-Ceramics Lamps

    Many may have seen bright pink light in some windows – it comes from special lamps that are used for providing sufficient lighting to house plants. Similar lamps are also used by farmers in greenhouses. Still, specialists in photophysiology argue that such lamps do not provide all the light that plants need. Scientists from ITMO in collaboration with their colleagues from Tomsk Polytechnic University came up with an idea to create light sources from ceramics with the addition of chrome: the light from such lamps offers not just red but also infrared (IR) light, which is expected to have a positive effect on plants’ growth. The research was completed as part of a Russian Science Foundation grant, and the results were published in Optical Materials.
