Search by tag «History» 50 results

  • ITMO’s Yagodnoe Outdoor Camp Turns 65!

    For every member of ITMO.Family, Yagodnoe is more than just a place for sports and leisure. Today, it hosts educational camps, schools, and strategy sessions, as well as city-wide and international environmental projects. Meanwhile, ITMO alumni from all over the world return for a visit even years after graduation. This year, Yagodnoe turned 65, and to honor this date we prepared a little retrospective of the camp’s history, with a view on its future.


  • Be Your Own Tour Guide: Online Tools for Exploring St. Petersburg

    Have you ever wondered how the historic center of our city looked a century ago? Where did the celebrities of the past live? What is the oldest district? With these four resources from our list, you’ll find answers to these questions and learn even more about the city.


  • 5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About ITMO

    Throughout the 124 years (and counting) of ITMO University’s history, there have been plenty of amazing and curious things at the university. From the origins of our campus buildings to forays into space, here are some historical tidbits that might surprise you.


  • Route to Sanahin: ITMO Students Create Virtual Tour of WWII-Themed Exhibition

    According to the St. Petersburg state archives, over 1.7 million people were evacuated from Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) between 1941 and 1943. Children, particularly those from Orphanage No. 51, were the first to leave the besieged city. The memories of those who were evacuated to Sanahin, Armenia, formed the centerpiece of the temporary display named Route to Sanahin. The Story of One Orphanage. The exhibition was organized by the State Memorial Museum of Leningrad Defense and Siege – and forever digitized by students of ITMO University.


  • Russian Spots Around the World

    We’ve already told you about the many incredible landmarks to visit in St. Petersburg and all around the country. But today, we’re going to take a look at some of the most impressive, unusual, or obscure places across the globe that, too, can provide a glimpse of Russian culture, history, and architecture.


  • Voices of Leningrad: ITMO Students’ New Project Offers New Look at Children’s Stories of WWII Siege

    Right now, the project Children’s Voices of Besieged Leningrad includes more than 30 entries. At its core are diaries written by children and teenagers during the Siege of Leningrad and collected by the European University at St. Petersburg. In a new app developed by students of ITMO University, users can read – or hear – about everyday life in 1940s Leningrad as described by the youngest eyewitnesses of the era. On the eve of Victory Day, the student developers spoke with ITMO.NEWS about the project and why it’s important to preserve such historical knowledge.


  • Map of the Siege: A Project Uniting Besieged Leningrad and Contemporary St. Petersburg

    A new project, developed by a team involving ITMO students, delves into the history of Leningrad during its siege in WWII. It’s a digital map of the city with geotags based on diaries kept by locals at that time. Having analyzed over 500 entries, the researchers were able to visualize the life of the city under siege. Using the map, users can look up a particular area of the city or read entries from a specific age group. Learn more about the project and its prospects in this article.


  • How Did People Dress in the USSR? Soviet Fashion Explained

    There’s a common notion that everyone dressed the same in Soviet times. Is this true? Let’s find out.


  • To Dot or Not To Dot: Letter Ё in Russian Alphabet

    The letter ё (yo), which is currently found in over 15,000 Russian words, not counting names and surnames, was added to the Russian alphabet 240 years ago – but disputes over its usage have persisted ever since. 


  • Writing as a Form of Art: Calligraphy in Ancient Russia

    Studying and writing go hand in hand, even in the digital age. So, for some inspiration as the new academic year begins, let's talk about how it was done in the past.
