Search by tag «How To» 8 results

  • How To: Running in St. Petersburg

    Are you on the lookout for a new hobby? Maybe you’d like to join a supportive community of like-minded people? Or maybe you’ve been looking for a fun way to stay active? We present to you our very own How-To guide on running, featuring top tips from experienced running experts. Let’s dive in!


  • How To Get Back to the Grind After Vacation: Advice From a Psychologist

    If you find it hard to adjust after a vacation, rest easy – you’re not alone. As it turns out, over 50% of Russians report feeling depressed after their vacation comes to an end. In this article, Elena Karpova, a PhD in psychology and lecturer at ITMO’s Institute of International Development and Partnership, explains how to bounce back from post-holiday blues.


  • ITMO Psychologist’s Advice: How To Reduce Stress and Prepare for Exams

    The 2023 admission campaign is in full swing, which means thousands of prospective students are currently prepping their portfolios, submitting their contest results, and taking entrance exams – which, by the way, will come to an end on August 2. We know that exams can be stressful, so we’ve asked Evgeniya Ostasheva, a psychologist at ITMO’s Medical, Psychological and Social Assistance Center, for some practical tips on how to stay sane during exam season.


  • How To Relax Properly and Not Burn Out: Advice From a Psychologist

    The first work week of the new year is officially over, and if you felt like it would never end, then you are not alone. How do you prevent burnout or falling prey to routine? How not to be suffocated by the routine? What is proper rest culture? And why is maintaining proper work-life balance not working out for you? We teamed up with Olga Gofman, a PhD in psychology, a lecturer at the Institute of International Development and Partnership, and a research associate at the Research Center “Strong AI in Industry” to answer these questions.


  • How To Efficiently Pitch a Business Idea

    You may already have your dream team and product but what about funding? What can you do to get investors interested in your idea and, most importantly, convince them to do business with you? In this article, Artem Stupak, a business coach, psychologist, and expert at the Entrepreneurial Competence Training project, shares his tips and tricks to a successful business pitch.


  • Ten Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Business

    Whether you have a well-thought-out business plan or want to launch a startup but ain’t got no ideas, there are 10 questions you can ask yourself to figure out what you want to achieve and how you can make it happen. Keep reading to learn how to start off your journey from Aleksandr Stanchula, an expert of the project Entrepreneurial Competence Training, a business tracker, and an entrepreneur and specialist in education and HR at the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.


  • How to Stop Reading Bad News and Calm Down

    If you are, too, constantly on your phone reading news, read this article instead to learn from Evgeniya Ostasheva, a psychologist at ITMO’s Medical, Psychological and Social Assistance Center, why we fall victim to doomscrolling, what lies behind this obsession, and how we can stay in the loop without allowing bad news to overwhelm us.


  • How to Launch Your Startup: Your Questions, Answered

    Many of us have entertained the idea of launching a startup. A like-minded team disrupts the market with a unique product – what could be better? But doing that is not so simple. We joined forces with the ITMO Accelerator to answer the most common questions about launching a startup.
