Search by tag «IT» 118 results

  • T-Bank’s Vice President for Business Technologies Speaks AI Assistants and Gives Career Advice to ITMO Students

    Konstantin Markelov’s team is introducing innovative technologies at T-Bank (formerly Tinkoff), one of which is a “universe” of personal AI assistants in finance, investments, travel, and other fields. After conducting several thousands of interviews, he knows exactly what students and grads should pay attention to when starting their careers. Recently, Konstantin Markelov gave a talk at ITMO University where he spoke about AI assistants, explained what gnomes have to do with that, and shared his tips on how to enjoy what you do.


  • First-Ever Bachelor’s Program for AI Developers Launching in Russia

    Yandex, Sberbank, and ITMO University are launching AI360: ML Native – a joint Bachelor’s program for future AI architects and researchers. The new program will accept 30 top applicants at ITMO University; up to 70 students will be enrolled in the program in Moscow and Tatarstan. Here is all you need to know about the program: its unique features, requirements, and reasons to apply.


  • Meet Russia’s First AI Service for Outstaffing IT Teams

    Students of the Artificial Intelligence Master’s program by ITMO’s AI Talent Hub and Napoleon IT have created an AI-powered platform for browsing job offers and hiring IT experts. Talent Matcher helps novice specialists find suitable internships faster; startups and corporations can turn to the service to assemble efficient teams for their projects. Currently, the online platform is used by over 5,000 people and 89 companies, including Wildberries, Napoleon IT,, RuTube, and X5 Tech.


  • Recap of IT_Conf 3.0: Careers in IT, AI in Business and Cybersecurity

    What does the future hold for the IT sector? What role will AI play in it? And what does it take to thrive in IT today? At this year’s IT_Conf, experts from SberMarket, Yandex, VK, HeadHunter, MTS, Tinkoff, and ITMO covered these and other questions in great detail. Here are the highlights of the event.


  • AI to Bring Parity in Science: Alexander Boukhanovsky on Developing Fundamental AI Models

    Alexander Boukhanovsky, the head of ITMO’s School of Translational Information Technologies, recently took part in a press conference held by the Russian Science Foundation at the TASS news agency. The scientist highlighted Russia’s role as one of the leaders in using the combination of AI and classical mathematical methods to deliver relevant applied solutions. However, several more challenges have to be overcome in order to place Russia on an even footing with other world AI leaders.


  • ITMO Named Leader in Training Digital Economy Specialists

    ITMO University made it into the top universities in St. Petersburg and Moscow that train IT professionals according to the recent ranking published by ANO Digital Economy with support from the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media.


  • Mass & Quality: How Russia and China Transform Education With AI

    How can universities promote AI talents? Which educational programs should be implemented to make it happen? And which technologies are currently being utilized to improve the quality and efficiency of education? These were some of the topics discussed at the first China-Russia seminar on training AI specialists. The event, organized by ITMO University, Tsinghua University, and Yandex, was attended by experts from Russian tech giants, including Sberbank, Gazprom Neft, and many others.


  • Why to Apply and How to Prep for Programming & Information Technologies Track at I Am a Professional

    Applications for the I Am a Professional contest are open until November 14. Winners will receive additional points when applying to Master's and PhD programs, as well as internships at prestigious corporations. In this installment of our series of articles about the contest, Alexander Mayatin, the curator of the Programming & Information Technologies track and an associate professor at ITMO’s Information Technologies and Programming Faculty, speaks about why students should join the contest and how they can win it.


  • Why to Apply and How to Prep for Information & Cyber Security Track at I Am a Professional

    Until November 14, students can apply for the I Am a Professional contest to win internships at major Russian companies, admission bonuses when entering the country’s top universities – and a cash prize of up to 300,000 rubles. ITMO University is curating three of the contest’s tracks, including Information & Cyber Security. In this article, Andrey Yuganson, the track’s curator and associate professor at ITMO’s Faculty of Secure Information Technologies, unveils what it takes to win the contest.


  • Expert Speaks on Infosec Trends and In-Demand Jobs in Russia

    The contemporary world brings new information security challenges and threats, posing an even greater demand for certain types of specialists. Which professionals are at an all-time high today? This topic was covered by Sergei Petrenko, the head of Innopolis University’s Center for Information Security, at the recent conference on information security in St. Petersburg.
