Search by tag «ITMO Highpark» 76 results
ITMO Highpark Dormitory Projects Approved
Glavgosexpertiza of Russia has issued an approval on the design estimates for ITMO Highpark's third and fourth dormitory buildings. Five-story dormitories for 1,500 beds will be constructed within the project’s second and third phases. Along with the first and second buildings currently under construction, the dormitories’ total capacity will reach about 2,600 people.
ITMO Highpark Street Names Revealed
The St. Petersburg toponymic committee has approved the names of four new streets on the territory of ITMO Highpark. Reflecting ITMO University’s main research areas, these new streets are Kvantovaya (Quantum), Tsifrovaya (Digital), Fotonnaya (Photon), and Neironnaya (Neural).
St. Petersburg Government Approves Design of Sports Complex at ITMO Highpark
Recently, the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture of St. Petersburg approved the architectural design of a future sports facility at ITMO Highpark, the university’s new campus located in the Yuzhny satellite city. The related documents are published (link in Russian) on the committee’s website.
ITMO Highpark – Future Center for Robotics Development in Russia
Residents of ITMO Highpark will collaborate with Robotics Consortium to create novel technologies in the field of robotics. The agreement was signed at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2024. ITMO Highpark will provide venues for the development of scientific, industrial, economic, social, and cultural infrastructure.
Phygital Sports Facility To Appear at ITMO Highpark
Education officials, authorities, athletes, experts in medicine, rehabilitation, and phygital environments, as well as AR/VR developers met for a strategy session to discuss the construction of a phygital sports complex at ITMO Highpark. The facility, which will be a part of the to-be techno valley, will include an esports arena, a concert and exhibition venue, and a rehabilitation center for people with disabilities. The initiative will be funded by private entrepreneurs.
ITMO Highpark: An Emerging Innovation Center in the South of St. Petersburg
ITMO Highpark is a world-class research and innovation center, currently under construction in the south of St. Petersburg. The facility will house the university’s new campus with dormitories and research centers, as well as a techno valley with a business park, which will produce innovative high-tech solutions. Read on to learn more about the center and its current construction status.
ITMO Highpark Wins Golden Trezzini Award for Architectural Design
ITMO Highpark, the university’s upcoming world-class research, education, and innovation center, was named the best project of an innovative research and educational cluster by the jury of the international Golden Trezzini Awards. The awards ceremony was held at the Hermitage Theater on November 15.
ITMO Highpark to Get Transport Access to Kiyevskoye Shosse
The highway leading to ITMO Highpark, the university’s up-and-coming research and innovation center, will be widened to make the new campus more easily accessible. This renovation project for Kiyevskoye Shosse has recently been approved by the Government of St. Petersburg.
Highlights From ITMO Supervisory Council’s Session
Who is the driving force behind university development? How can schools and businesses interact more efficiently and boost their mutual engagement? Do universities need joint product partnerships? And what is in the future for ITMO University? These and many other questions were the subjects of discussion at the recent session of ITMO’s Supervisory Council, which took place in ITMO Highpark on August 29.
ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #38
The new academic year is here! In today’s recap of science-themed reports from ITMO.NEWS, we focus on learning in all its forms: from developments on the awaited ITMO Highpark campus to insights into the Russian higher education system and opportunities for ITMO students. Pens ready, notebooks open? Let’s begin!