Search by tag «Main» 2187 results

  • Discovery of the Month: Portable Gaming, New Recipes, and More

    This July, we’ve been exploring all kinds of new avenues: time management tricks, cool summer recipes, exciting hobbies, and new ways to play our favorite games. Check out our discoveries in the story below.


  • No More Counterfeiting – Thanks to Photon Crystals from ITMO

    Scientists from ITMO University have suggested a novel production method for anti-forgery protection tags that is cheaper and quicker than its analogs. The new method uses magnet-sensitive photon crystals for ink jet printing. The resulting tags are liquid systems with magnetic particles inside a solid shell; in response to a magnet, the particles assemble into a specific colored pattern. According to its authors, the new method will be more reliable than its counterparts. The study is described in a paper published in Advanced Optical Materials. 


  • Teamwork and Business Communications: ITMO Researchers Name Most Wanted Soft Skills

    Researchers from ITMO have conducted a large-scale study on the demand for soft skills among employers. The authors have analyzed over 67,000 job listings and conducted surveys and in-depth interviews with employers and ITMO students. Among the most important competencies, representatives of businesses have named the ability to work in a team and to establish communications. Findings of the study have been published in Nature.


  • Brains in Sync: What’s New in Brain Research

    As a PhD student in neuroscience, my completely unbiased opinion is that the human brain is one of science’s greatest mysteries. Today, to mark World Brain Day – celebrated on July 22 and aimed at promoting brain health and research – we'll see if science is getting any closer to solving it. What can neuroscientists do with the newest tech advances? What do the classic experiments in the field look like? And what is hyperscanning? Find answers to these questions and more in today’s ITMO.NEWS article.


  • Best Again: ITMO Tops AI Alliance Ranking of Universities in AI

    Recently, AI Alliance has published its second ranking of Russian universities that provide training in the field of AI. Like last year, ITMO was placed among the leaders, alongside the Higher School of Economics (HSE) and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). 


  • The City of Superlatives: Oldest Sights in St. Petersburg

    We love to explore our city from the most unusual angles: earlier, we told you about St. Pete’s smallest sites, as well as the city’s firsts. Today, we are putting our historian hats on and turning our attention to the city’s oldest sites: from bookshops to trees and even a pyshki place, you are in for a fun time-travel roller-coaster. Hop on!


  • 55 ITMO Students Win 1 Million Rubles Each for Their Startups

    Recently, the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises has announced the results of Student Startup, a competition of technological projects. Among the winners are 55 ITMO students, who each won 1 million rubles to support the development of their projects.


  • Samolet CEO Andrey Ivanenko Shares His 8 Steps to Innovations

    Samolet is one of the biggest construction companies in Russia, currently the first in the country in terms of construction volume. Recently, the company has also started producing its own IT solutions for real estate. Why does a construction company need neural networks, what makes the company a tech leader, and how do they introduce innovations into a project? These topics were covered in the lecture by Andrey Ivanenko, the CEO of the company, held as part of ITMO’s PI School for future research leaders. Here are the takeaways.


  • 13th SCAMT Workshop Week Wraps at ITMO – Here Are Its Projects

    Held biannually, SCAMT Workshop Week brings together students from Russia and all over the world, engaging them in research projects in the fields of chemistry, biology, and IT. Participants can enroll in ITMO’s Master’s programs without exams – and over 100 students availed of this opportunity over the years. Recently, the 13th SCAMT Workshop Week wrapped up at ITMO. We talked to its participants to learn about their plans and projects.


  • ITMO’s Yagodnoe Outdoor Camp Turns 65!

    For every member of ITMO.Family, Yagodnoe is more than just a place for sports and leisure. Today, it hosts educational camps, schools, and strategy sessions, as well as city-wide and international environmental projects. Meanwhile, ITMO alumni from all over the world return for a visit even years after graduation. This year, Yagodnoe turned 65, and to honor this date we prepared a little retrospective of the camp’s history, with a view on its future.
