Search by tag «Math» 2 results

  • Lead Analyst at Group Anatoly Karpov: Statistics are Available to Anyone

    Since 2018, every ITMO University student regardless of their educational program has to study a number of disciplines that make up the Digital Culture block. Apart from Data Analysis and Machine Learning, the block features Applied Statistics. In this ITMO.NEWS article, we asked Anatoly Karpov, lead analyst at Group and author of popular MOOCs on statistics and machine learning, why it is important to avoid the “Humanities vs STEM” divide, and how statistics can counter fake news. 


  • Polytechnic Museum’s Curator Alexey Semikhatov: Logic and Math Help Us Predict the Unknown

    Humanity’s understanding of the world has expanded far into space and deep into the structure of matter, and mathematical science became our guide into the world of the counterintuitive and the unimaginable. Alexey Semikhatov, a science communicator, PhD, and scientific curator of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum, joined ITMO University’s open lecture series at New Holland to talk about how the logical abilities of the human brain, as formalized in maths, help us forecast the yet-undiscovered areas of the universe. Learn the highlights from Dr. Semikhatov’s lecture in the article below; you can also watch the complete lecture (in Russian) here.
