Search by tag «Megabyte Media» 4 results

  • Spelling a Story Bit by Bit: How To Get Into Data Journalism

    In a world overflowing with data, we rely on big data analysts to process, categorize, analyze, and visualize it all. But if we want to make sense of this data and turn it into a digestible socially-relevant story, we will need the skills of data journalists. As the volume of data we produce increases, so does the demand for these all-around experts in analysis, storytelling, and visualization. Read on to find out more about data journalism and where you can learn to do it.


  • ITMO’s Megabyte Media Announces New Data Journalism Hackathon

    The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs has announced the results of this year’s national contest for university-based youth projects. ITMO’s student media Megabyte won one of the 2 million ruble grants. Since 2015, Megabyte has been running ScienceMedia, a national student forum, and this year’s event will be supported by the grant. Here is what to expect at the forum. 


  • Megabyte Media Launches New Podcast About Oncologic Diseases

    Megabyte Media – a joint student media at ITMO University – has launched a new project, Q.E.D. (Latin for “which was to be proven” – ed. note), a podcast about evidence-based medicine created in collaboration with the Cancer Prevention Foundation. The podcast will focus on oncology, discussing issues and busting common myths. New episodes are to come out every two weeks, with the first one released on May 14.


  • Study Abroad Tips: Packing for Your Trip

    Sometimes it’s not a pen and a copy-book you should put in your school bag, but a fork and a mug. For example, when you go to study abroad. Ivan Zhuravlev and ITMO University’s student news portal Megabyte interviewed several ITMO students about their experience of packing for their exchange abroad.
