Search by tag «Metagenomics» 3 results

  • ITMO’s Monday Science Roundup #15

    Excited about this week’s Nobel Prize reveals? So are we! And to sate your hunger for science, here’s a pick of ITMO.NEWS’ most insightful stories on the subject from the past two weeks.


  • ITMO Launches Professional Development Program in Applied Metagenomics

    ITMO University is opening a new continuous professional development (CPD) program for Master’s and PhD students, as well as researchers from ITMO and other institutions wishing to conduct metagenomics studies, explore novel diagnostic techniques, and alter human microbiomes.


  • Genome Goes Digital: IT in Genetics and Medicine

    Vladimir Uliantsev, head of ITMO University’s International Laboratory “Computer Technologies,” has presented the lecture "Bioinformatics: How genomic data helps study the origin of people and the mechanisms of disease development" at the New Holland Island Open Lecture Hall. Those who came to the event learned how today’s scientists acquire genome data, the role of programmers in that process, and what makes the results of that research so valuable. Find the highlights of last week’s lecture in the article below.
