Search by tag «Motivation» 2 results

  • Tackling Self-Improvement: From Consumerism to Actioning

    Self-development, or self-improvement, as some may put it, has become quite a buzzword and a ubiquitous topic of interest, especially in the digital media space, garnering attention from both millennials and gen-z, as more than ever, people are aware of their emotions, skills, and strengths.


  • How to Improve Self-Motivation

    First of all, let’s define motivation. What is it? A feeling? An action? Or maybe something else… Basically, it is a process that induces action aimed at satisfying needs. It is a reason why a person does concrete actions, the psychophysiological process that controls human behavior, sets its direction. Motivation (motivation) is at the heart of all the actions we do. Progress is impossible without motivation. It is this feeling that allows you to overcome laziness and inertia in relation to the surrounding reality and yourself. Where there is no motivation, there is no progress, no movement.
