Search by tag «Nanophotonics » 47 results

  • ITMO Researchers Solve Mystery of Ultrafine Plasmonic Particles

    Researchers from ITMO University and the Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) have advanced the theory of light absorption in ultrafine plasmonic nanoparticles. This breakthrough enhances our understanding of nanomaterials' behavior, improves techniques for targeting and destroying cancer cells, and opens up avenues to new areas of research, including quantum plasmonics. The findings were published in Nanophotonics.


  • ITMO Physicists Develop Multifunctional Material for Thermal Melanoma Therapy

    Researchers at ITMO have suggested a quick and simple method to synthesize gold plasmonic nanodiamonds – these hybrid materials can find their application in photothermal therapy of melanoma. The new material can perform two functions: heat up a tumor and measure its temperature. In vitro experiments demonstrated that once plasmonic nanodiamonds were introduced into a tumor and heated, the tumor’s growth slowed down by 65.22%. The results of the study were described in Nanophotonics.


  • Longer-Lived Quantum States Suggested at ITMO

    Physicists from ITMO University have created an AI-based solution to make quantum states remain stable for longer for the processing, reliable recording, and storage of information. This study, described in a recent article in Applied Physics Letters, may help pave the way to quantum computers.


  • Physicist Andrey Bogdanov on How ITMO Helps School Students Become Scientists

    Once an aspiring teen himself, Andrey Bogdanov now inspires today’s schoolkids to pursue careers in science. In this interview, the researcher explains how to talk to kids about nanophotonics and metamaterials, reflects on whether it’s worth it to prepare future scientists from school, and expands on what ITMO does in this field.


  • ITMO Hosts First-Ever METANANO Summer School in China

    The METANANO Summer School on Nanophotonics and Advanced Materials recently wrapped up in Qingdao, China. A hundred researchers from Russia, China, Israel, Australia, Switzerland, and other countries spent three days discussing laser technologies for perovskite nanocoatings, multifunctional materials for thermal regulation, and other topics. Among the results of the school are agreements for exchange of students and researchers between the world’s leading universities. Find out more about the school from our article below. 


  • Student Spotlight: Anas Akenoun, Morocco

    In a vibrant fusion of culture and academia, Anas, a budding scholar from Morocco, has embarked on a captivating journey at ITMO. In this interview, Anas delves into his motivations for choosing ITMO, his deep-rooted connection to his homeland's traditions, and the enlightening experiences that have colored his academic and personal life in the heart of Russia's cultural capital.


  • ITMO Scientists Develop Ultracompact Optical Switch

    The new device includes a structure of single-atom semiconductors and an ultracompact nanoresonator. The switching is conducted with light, via changes in the exciton states in each of the two semiconductor layers. Thanks to its ultracompact size (10 nanometers long and 1.5 nanometers thick), the device can be placed on a chip for use as a logic element in computers for optical information processing. The results of this study, conducted in collaboration with Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH, South Korea), are described in an article published in ACS Nano. 


  • Best Graduation Papers Among ITMO Students

    Two students of the Physics of Nanostructures Bachelor’s and Physics and Technology of Nanostructures Master’s programs won the national competition for the best graduation papers in the category Photonics, Instrumentation, Optical Biotechnical Systems, and Technologies.


  • Invisible Material: Researchers Model Metasurfaces in Hybrid Anapole Modes for the First Time

    Global trends are leaning towards miniaturization, minimalism, and portability – and that's the case for research, too. These days, metasurfaces are gaining popularity as platforms for super-thin devices equal, or sometimes superior to, their "normal-sized" counterparts. This is achieved thanks to “invisible” particles in anapole modes. Recently, these particles have revolutionized nanophotonics, but researchers from ITMO, Moscow, and Riga went even further and developed hybrid anapole modes. Their new model is more efficient than its predecessors and opens new applications for metasurfaces in optics. 


  • ITMO Researchers Combine Perovskites and Carbon Nanotubes in New High-Precision Device

    Perovskites are a class of semiconductors that are being actively researched in light of their unique physical properties. In the past decade, solar cells based on these materials have attained a commercial level of effectiveness. In a new study, researchers from ITMO have presented a prototype version of a photodetector based on carbon nanotubes and perovskites. ITMO.NEWS spoke with the authors to find out what new prospects for flexible electronics the project offers. 
