Search by tag «Nature» 27 results

  • Teamwork and Business Communications: ITMO Researchers Name Most Wanted Soft Skills

    Researchers from ITMO have conducted a large-scale study on the demand for soft skills among employers. The authors have analyzed over 67,000 job listings and conducted surveys and in-depth interviews with employers and ITMO students. Among the most important competencies, representatives of businesses have named the ability to work in a team and to establish communications. Findings of the study have been published in Nature.


  • Chicken Blindness and Cuckoo’s Tears: Unusual Russian Flower Names and Their Origins

    Although the weather doesn’t always comply, spring is undoubtedly here. In time for the season of blooming and sprouting, we’ll talk about rather peculiar names for common flowers you can find in fields and meadows all over Russia.


  • Winter Trails Outside St. Petersburg: Best Nature Destinations

    The approaching holidays are a perfect opportunity to finally get out of the city and enjoy some time outdoors. Here are a few ideas on how you can make the most of it.


  • DIY Herbarium or How to Make Summer Last

    The last weeks of relatively warm and dry weather that we’re probably going to enjoy this year are also a perfect chance to assemble a herbarium (a collection of dried plant specimens) that will brighten up the upcoming dark winter days. Here’s how to start.  


  • The Wild Side of Slavic Folklore: Animals, Plants and Related Beliefs

    The study of wildlife isn’t limited to biology and zoology – you can also approach it in a mythological and symbolic manner. That’s what our ancestors did and, thanks to folklore, we can try and perceive nature through their eyes, too.


  • Date Ideas for All Occasions

    If you’re planning a date but our summer ideas don’t quite work for mid-February, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a list of what to do for a date – with yourself, a friend, or a partner – when it’s winter in St. Petersburg. Let’s go!


  • Where to Go on a Date in St. Petersburg

    Summer is a time for going out and about, enjoying the company of others, and loving life. St. Petersburg can be a very romantic place, and there are plenty of ways to spend time with that special person. So whether you’re keen to go on an extra special date, spend a fun day out with a friend, or just have some well-deserved me time, we have some ideas to make a good day-te great.


  • ITMO Graduate Asya Kaplan Shares Science Art Insights

    Having graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in soil science from St. Petersburg State University, Asya Kaplan made a radical career change and joined ITMO’s Art & Science Master’s program. During her studies, she successfully organized several exhibitions and is now a curator at ITMO’s Art & Science Center. How does one create a science art exhibition and why is this artform gaining in popularity? Read on to find out. 


  • Exploring St. Petersburg: Nature Destinations

    With the end of June comes the time to enjoy the rare warmth and (hopefully) good weather in St. Petersburg. For a nature lover like myself, this means just one thing: leaving the city at every opportunity and escaping from the hectic urban tempo in the surrounding Leningrad Oblast. And here’s some advice on how to do that.


  • Our Top 7 Summer Must-Dos in St. Petersburg

    Want to have a truly St. Petersburg summer experience? Here are our top local activities to make this season one to remember.
