Search by tag «Partnerships» 29 results

  • Yandex Launches New PhD Program and Research Grants Initiative in AI

    The Russian tech giant Yandex is launching its first practice-driven PhD program in AI. Its aim is to create the conditions and infrastructure for the training of the nation’s young scientists. Each year, the students will receive 800,000-ruble grants in order to create new AI technologies and quickly integrate them into the industry. Among the program’s first partners are ITMO University and the Higher School of Economics (HSE), with the lineup expected to grow manifold in the near future.


  • ITMO Researchers and Industrial Partners Present Their Joint Developments at ITMO Open Science Rocks

    Research and development are closely linked at ITMO University. Together with its industrial partners (over 40, as of now), the university has been working on a number of projects, some of which were presented recently at ITMO Open Science Rocks.


  • Fork up Night Meetup: Dealing With Challenges in FoodTech Industry

    We often hear about successes in business, but what does it actually take to build a prosperous company? At the Fork up Night meetup, representatives of FoodTech companies shared their experiences of ups and downs when launching projects in the field of alternative food production. Here are the highlights of the event.


  • ITMO Highpark Joins New AI-Focused Science and Education Center

    ITMO Highpark, the university’s upcoming second campus in the satellite city Yuzhny, has joined a scientific and educational center within the framework of the NOC project. This center will be engaged in studying artificial intelligence in industry.


  • Gaka-Chu: The Robot That Dreams of Being an Artist

    “Everyone’s familiar with trying to make a living with art. I bet they’ve never known a robot with that dream,” says Gaka-Chu. A retired welding robot, it is working to be financially independent by creating art and selling it online. But what is it that makes its art real?  


  • Entrepreneur Evgeny Mutovkin on Helping Volunteers and Cooperating with His Alma Mater

    Amid the spread of the novel coronavirus, ITMO’s Volunteer Center has launched an initiative to help the university’s older staff. The volunteers deliver groceries and medicines, and also help to tune in online services for those who are forced to observe a strict quarantine due to being especially at risk. Entrepreneur Evgeny Mutovkin, a former student of ITMO University, has supported the student initiative by equipping the volunteers with electric scooters rented by his company to make the delivery faster. He speaks about his cooperation with his alma mater and himself in this interview with ITMO.NEWS.


  • ITMO University’s Main Campus to Get a Smart Floor

    While ITMO students are beavering away on expanding their knowledge, the main campus of their university is gradually following suit. Over the past month, specialists in the field of the Internet of Things have been augmenting the third floor of the building with a “smart floor” system, which will help make the rooms more comfortable, safe and cost-efficient. ITMO.NEWS spoke with the developers to find out how smart rooms will differ from the regular ones.


  • ITMO University Begins Partnership With Italian Embassy’s Trade Promotion Office

    This June, SCAMT Laboratory staff member Elizaveta Anastasova and Faculty of Physics and Engineering specialists Ivan Iorsh and Mikhail Mukhin took part in the NanoInnovation 2019 scientific conference in Rome, Italy. Their visit was made possible thanks to ITMO University’s collaboration with the Trade Promotion Office of the Italian Embassy (ICE). In the future, the two parties plan to develop more joint projects. More on the conference and future prospects – in this article by ITMO.NEWS.


  • InnoCamp: How Russian and Finnish Students Reinvent Old Spaces

    This April, students from Russia and Finland joined each other at the first-ever session of the InnoCamp project. Tasked with developing business strategies for real companies, the students had to turn a Helsinki airfield into a hub for small aircraft, a disused railcar factory into a creative space, a former Kotka port into a business hub, and more. On May 12-17, the participants met in Kotka (Finland) to finish what they started during the remote stage of the project. ITMO.NEWS learned about the projects and the kind of experience that InnoCamp offers students.


  • ITMO University and Siemens Launch Joint Research Lab

    A joint Siemens-ITMO University research lab has been launched in St. Petersburg. Its goal will be to develop unique industry solutions based on systemic AI using the methods of machine learning, big data analysis, and cognitive technologies for applications in economics and the social sector.
