Search by tag «Projects» 125 results

  • 13th SCAMT Workshop Week Wraps at ITMO – Here Are Its Projects

    Held biannually, SCAMT Workshop Week brings together students from Russia and all over the world, engaging them in research projects in the fields of chemistry, biology, and IT. Participants can enroll in ITMO’s Master’s programs without exams – and over 100 students availed of this opportunity over the years. Recently, the 13th SCAMT Workshop Week wrapped up at ITMO. We talked to its participants to learn about their plans and projects.


  • PI School: Rising Stars – First-Hand Experience

    For several years now, ITMO has organized its PI School in spring, welcoming everyone who wishes to expand their academic horizons and is thinking about managing their own research team one day. This year, I was one of them, actively battling my imposter syndrome, as well as networking and soaking in all the knowledge. Here’s my insider’s take on what it feels like to train to be a PI.


  • Cyber-Karate and Fitness Trackers: New Phygital Technologies for Sports

    How are modern technologies making conventional and phygital types of sports more accessible and exciting? More than 750 participants gathered for a discussion on the topic at the nationwide youth contest Phygital Sporttech Innovations Cup. At the finals, which took place at ITMO, businesspeople, students, and staff of Russian universities showed off tech projects that aim to make life easier for coaches, athletes, and amateurs alike. More about the top projects and their benefits – in our article.


  • Voices of Leningrad: ITMO Students’ New Project Offers New Look at Children’s Stories of WWII Siege

    Right now, the project Children’s Voices of Besieged Leningrad includes more than 30 entries. At its core are diaries written by children and teenagers during the Siege of Leningrad and collected by the European University at St. Petersburg. In a new app developed by students of ITMO University, users can read – or hear – about everyday life in 1940s Leningrad as described by the youngest eyewitnesses of the era. On the eve of Victory Day, the student developers spoke with ITMO.NEWS about the project and why it’s important to preserve such historical knowledge.


  • E-Cycles, Universal Chargers, and Edible Packaging: Top Projects From Young Scientists’ Exhibition at ITMO

    More than 300 participants, nearly 40 projects, and a dozen of commercial businesses took part in a recent exhibition of projects by young scientists at ITMO. The event allowed its participants to not only showcase their work before a wide audience, but find partners, too. More about the most fascinating projects below.


  • ITMO’s Advanced Engineering School Passes Project Defence

    On February 15, the Russian capital welcomed teams from universities all over the country. They presented the results achieved by their advanced engineering schools in 2023 and outlined their next steps before a committee from the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Based on the results of these presentations, the Ministry will name the country’s best teams and allocate funding for advanced engineering schools of 30 universities for 2024.


  • ITMO Student Dmitry Vasilyev on Developing Apps for People With Disabilities

    Warning the deaf and hard-of-hearing about potential dangers, calling emergency services through context commands, and assisting people with visual impairments in learning how to type – all these are projects developed by Dmitry Vasilyev, a Master’s student of ITMO’s program Programming for the Visually Impaired. One of Dmitry’s apps is already used by several hundred people with disabilities, but he plans to create a whole ecosystem of apps with access to various inclusive technologies. In this interview, we talk about the results of Dmitry’s projects, his further plans, and his big dream.


  • Student Spotlight: Vladimir Kartashev, Kyrgyzstan

    His passion for programming, zeal for academic excellence, and desire to do good brought Vladimir Kartashev, an international Bachelor's student from Kyrgyzstan, to ITMO. Here, he puts all his rigor into his studies and projects, but also makes sure to spend some time exploring the city to the sounds of his favorite music. Read on to discover his story in full in this interview.


  • 25 ITMO Students Win 1-Million-Ruble Grants for Their Startups

    The Russian Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises has awarded grants of 1 million rubles to 25 ITMO students who were chosen as winners of the contest Student Startup.


  • International Participants and Top-Tier Lecturers: Highlights of 11th SCAMT Workshop Week

    Twice a year, ITMO’s SCAMT Institute hosts a week-long workshop for students specializing in chemistry, biology, and IT. Having been launched in 2018, the workshop was recently held for the 11th time, welcoming 47 participants from Russia, Finland, Syria, Moldova, and Belarus. Here’s a recap of the latest workshop.
