Search by tag «Proteins» 3 results

  • ITMO Scientists Discover Universal Measure to Predict Protein Folding

    Researchers from ITMO’s Infochemistry Scientific Center have suggested an algorithm that can calculate a molecule’s dimensionality – whether it’s 2D, 3D, or an intermediate state. Unlike other existing methods, the new one allows scientists to identify the folding state in biomolecules and track its progress. In an article published in Royal Society Open Science, the researchers described their molecular dynamics-based method and compared it to others, such as the Monte Carlo simulation and the widely used AlphaFold algorithm.


  • Scientists Create Listeriosis-Immune Mice by Turning off Gene in Myeloid Cells

    An international research team that includes specialists from ITMO University has conducted a series of experiments with the goal of studying the immune system and identifying the genes and proteins involved in the response to certain harmful bacteria. The scientists found that “turning off” a gene responsible for the production of the protein Beclin 1, or the gene that produces the FIP200 protein, resulted in the test animals becoming nearly completely immune to the infectious disease listeriosis. The results of this research have been published in Nature Microbiology.


  • Researchers Use Nanoparticles to Study Proteins at High Temperatures

    Russian scientists have developed a multifunctional nanodevice based on dielectric nanoparticles coupled with a metal film. The device can be used to measure the temperature of surrounding molecules. Experiments have also shown that heat resistance in proteins can be increased by changing the nanoparticles’ chemical properties. The resulting nanostructures are very biocompatible, which makes them potentially useful in biomedicine. The results were published in Laser & Photonics Reviewers and the Journal of Biophotonics.
