Search by tag «School students» 33 results

  • How To Get into Science as a School Student

    ITMO allows students to begin their journey into science as early as high school, for example, with a year-long internship at its Faculty of Physics. Interns work in laboratories with expert scientists, conduct independent research, receive awards, and excel at competitions. For this article, we asked Anna Chuprina, a former intern who has already won an international scientific conference and is enrolled at ITMO’s Faculty of Physics, to share her experience and talk about the opportunities the internship offers.


  • ITMO and Sberbank Create Admissions Aid for School Students

    A new project for applicants to Russian universities and their parents has recently been launched by ITMO and Sberbank. There, FAQs and recommendations are presented as detailed guides that will be helpful to those applying to universities in 2024, as well as future applicants on the lookout for their careers.


  • ITMO’s Infochemistry Center Opens Lab Coworking for School Students

    At the newly opened coworking space, school students will get to work on their interdisciplinary research, conduct experiments, and learn to work with such high-tech equipment as a robot chemist, an incubator for growing cell cultures, or an atomic force microscope. Operating within the project Chemistry of the Future: Field-Specific Education in Contemporary Science, this brand-new space is a collaboration between ITMO University and Academy of Talents. 


  • Physics for Everyone: Exploring ITMO’s Projects for School Students

    Physics is a complex science that includes many branches, including theoretical and applied physics, laser technologies, and new materials. How can you make sense of it all? In this article, we review ITMO’s free educational projects that help school students navigate physics and determine their future career path.


  • IT Expertise and Modern Campus: Why Top Students Choose ITMO

    Last year, over 600 winners of various student contests enrolled at ITMO. Why do top student talents choose the university? What are their aspirations and career plans? We asked three winners of this year’s National Technological Contest in Intelligent Robotic Systems – and this is what they told us.


  • 12th Congress of Young Scientists Brings Together Students From 52 Russian Cities

    More than 2,500 representatives of schools and universities from 52 Russian cities participated in the 12th Congress of Young Scientists. The event took place at ITMO premises on April 3-6.


  • Russian Team Triumphs at International Olympiad in Informatics 2022

    The team is headed by Andrey Stankevich, a star coach and associate professor at ITMO’s Information Technologies and Programming Faculty.


  • SciComm for School Students: ITMO’s Workshop at Nanograd Summer School

    For ten years, Nanograd, a summer school for school students from all over Russia, has been running various workshops with real-world cases from companies. This year, the school took place in St. Petersburg, and its participants could join a workshop by ITMO’s Center for Science Communication, as well as special lectures and lab tours. Read on for the school’s highlights.


  • ITMO’s Summer Courses for School Students: Programming, GameDev and Management

    Every year the ITMO.START educational platform for school students hosts summer courses at the university’s campuses. During the practice-oriented classes held by experienced lecturers, students have the opportunity to learn new skills, dabble in science and choose their future career paths. Here are the courses that will be running this August.


  • Congress of Young Scientists 2022: Participants Share Their Experience

    This year’s Congress of Young Scientists marked the fifth time ITMO University played host to the major scientific event that guides aspiring researchers and scientists into the world of science. Over this time, the conference brought together thousands of university and school students, with this year reaching an audience of over 2,000 participants. ITMO.NEWS talked to the participants of 22’ to learn more about why they decided to join the event and how they came up with their research ideas.
