Search by tag «Slavic traditions» 6 results

  • Year of the Snake: Serpents in Slavic Folklore

    As you might’ve noticed by the amount of serpent-shaped ornaments in local stores, 2025 is the year of the snake according to the Chinese calendar. In China, this animal symbolizes wisdom and prosperity. But what about snakes in Russian culture? 


  • Friday the 13th Special: Most Feared and Loved Numbers in Slavic Culture

    Today, on freaky Friday the 13th, let’s talk about numbers! Why are we afraid of some of them? And which ones, on the contrary, are supposed to bring you luck?


  • Russian Folk Dress: Fashion Items From Centuries Ago

    Today’s fashion is pretty much universal and people wear similar outfits in many places all over the world. But what was it like before mass-produced clothing was a thing? What did Russians in particular wear on a daily basis hundreds of years ago? Let’s find out.


  • Three Keys to Deciphering Slavic Folklore Symbols

    ​Every culture has its own unique set of signs and patterns that, according to local beliefs, have the power to protect those who use them and help them prosper. You can find these symbols everywhere: on houses, on traditional clothing, and on other everyday objects. It’s hard to realize their full meaning today, but let us try.


  • Old and New Slavic Wedding Traditions

    Getting married in May is considered bad luck, but summer, the most popular wedding season in Russia, is just around the corner. Here are some interesting facts about both old-time and modern weddings in Slavic countries to prepare in advance.


  • The Art of Ancient Ceremonial Dance: Khorovod

    Circle dances are known all over the world and Slavic countries are no exception – we call them khorovody.
