Search by tag «Summer Schools» 28 results

  • Digital Takeoff: ITMO and Pulkovo Airport Introduce High Schoolers to Civil Aviation

    Recently, Pulkovo Airport and ITMO University hosted their first business summer school for school students dreaming of careers in civil aviation and aircraft industry. 


  • Physics for Everyone: Exploring ITMO’s Projects for School Students

    Physics is a complex science that includes many branches, including theoretical and applied physics, laser technologies, and new materials. How can you make sense of it all? In this article, we review ITMO’s free educational projects that help school students navigate physics and determine their future career path.


  • ITMO Hosts First-Ever METANANO Summer School in China

    The METANANO Summer School on Nanophotonics and Advanced Materials recently wrapped up in Qingdao, China. A hundred researchers from Russia, China, Israel, Australia, Switzerland, and other countries spent three days discussing laser technologies for perovskite nanocoatings, multifunctional materials for thermal regulation, and other topics. Among the results of the school are agreements for exchange of students and researchers between the world’s leading universities. Find out more about the school from our article below. 


  • Eco-Paths, Parks, and Glamping: Students Suggest New Tourist Attractions in Leningrad Oblast

    This July, students from ITMO, St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU), and HSE University presented their innovative tourist projects for Leningrad Oblast at the Summer School in Urban Studies. The students’ ideas will be implemented by the administrative bodies of Vyborg, Shlisselburg, and Staraya Ladoga to utilize the potential of these tourist destinations.


  • Summer School in Laser Technologies: Helping Students Kickstart Their Research

    Talented and passionate school students can get their chance to work with lasers at ITMO’s Summer School in Laser Technologies. Those who present their projects at the national Congress of Young Scientists will receive additional points when applying to ITMO’s Bachelor’s programs. Read on to learn more about the school.


  • Data-Driven Approach to Education at ITMO

    Educational programs are not only about the government’s standards and regulations. They should also take into consideration the needs and interests of prospective students and demands of the market to make the programs more attractive and interesting. ITMO specialists suggest a data-driven approach to education in order to achieve that. Ekaterina Bezyzvestnykh and Maxim Skryabin, heads of the Data-Driven Approach to Education Design summer school, discussed this concept with us.


  • Future of MRI: ITMO’s Magnetic Resonance Imaging Summer School Attracts 70+ Students, Engineers, Medical Scientists

    In late June, ITMO University’s Faculty of Physics hosted a school in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Over the course of six days, leading specialists from the university and other scientific institutions educated the participants on the fundamentals of MRI, spoke on the latest advances in the field – including the cutting-edge devices developed by the Faculty of Physics – and hosted workshops on the methods of production and processing of magnetic resonance images. The school was organized jointly with the Almazov National Medical Research Center; its staff conducted a tour of the clinic and showed the MRI systems in action.


  • Summer Schools in Computer Science: Parul University Students Visit ITMO

    Every year ITMO organizes several short-term programs during the summer and the winter season. These schools are open to students from around the world and are specially tailored to provide them with cutting-edge skills. This year, we were thrilled to welcome ten budding techies from Parul University, our long-time academic partner, yet again to our campus. They participated in a special six-week program including two ITMO summer schools on competitive programming and machine learning. The middle two weeks of their stay involved a tailor-made course on data science and Python programming. ITMO.NEWS got the opportunity to talk to three of them and learn about their journey and their experiences here in St. Petersburg. What do they think about the metro? Did they try borscht? We dive deeper into these topics and more in this article.  


  • ITMO Hosts First Research Summer Camp in Biotechnology

    ITMO University recently hosted the first Research Summer Camp in Biotechnology, organized by the international research center "Biotechnologies of the Third Millenium." Participants from nine countries including China, India, Egypt, and Turkey gathered to learn about cutting-edge methods and research trends in food biotechnologies. 


  • ITMO Summer Courses: Teachers Share Their Experiences Part 2

    In the second part of this two-part series, ITMO.NEWS continues to speak about summer schools for school students. Held under the aegis of ITMO.START, the intensive courses help prospective students find their niche and acquire new competencies. 
