Search by tag «Synthesis» 2 results

  • Researchers Design New Synthesis Method for Carbon Nanodots With Potential Applications in Biomedicine

    Scientists from ITMO University, St. Petersburg State University, TU Dresden, Ioffe Institute, and City University of Hong Kong have devised water-soluble carbon nanodots that demonstrate efficient luminescence in the long wavelength spectral region. The researchers also managed to achieve the highest possible photoluminescence quantum yield reported so far for carbon nanodots emitting in the near-infrared spectral region. The developed nanoparticles can be used as non-toxic fluorescent probes for bioimaging. Read on to learn more about the study and its findings.


  • ITMO Researchers Develop New Method of Magnetite Nanoparticle Synthesis

    Scientists from SCAMT Institute have devised a way to produce nanoparticles of iron oxides (magnetite, hematite, maghemite) using water-alcohol synthesis, as well as modify their color, size, and functional properties. The synthesized substances are used in production of memristor devices. In the future, magnetite nanoparticles could potentially be used in the treatment of neurocognitive diseases.
