Search by tag «Technologies of the future» 2 results

  • From Sci-Fi to Real-Life: Five Predictions on the Future of Technologies

    When such words as smartphones, 3D printing, and quantum computing were yet alien concepts and humans could only dream of stepping on the Moon and exploring the other worlds with the blessing of science, virtuosos of words found a way to glimpse into the future. From translation robots and high-tech gadgetry to space flights and artificial food – here’s a list of five books that foresaw the future even better than The Simpsons.


  • The Internet is Aging Fast: Yandex’s Grigory Bakunov on 2020’s Tech Trends

    Throughout last week, ITMO hosted the events of the “I am a Professional” competition’s Winter School. 180 students from 43 Russian regions came to this educational program that was organized by ITMO in collaboration with Sberbank. On its first day, Grigory Bakunov, director of technology distribution at Yandex, gave a lecture on trends that will affect business and technologies in the near future.
