Search by tag «Terahertz Optics» 4 results

  • Researchers Develop Supersensitive Method to Measure Surface Topography With THz Radiation

    The method allows scientists to get an image close to a holographic one in its properties but with less energy input. In theory, the method could be applied in industrial quality control or acquiring images of concealed objects, for instance, in transillumination of envelopes. 


  • St. Petersburg Physicists Synthesize Hyperbolic Material for THz Frequency Range

    In the future, it will be possible to use these double-layered structures in supersensitive sensors, THz radars, spectrometers and radio telescopes. They could also be used to create masking surfaces.


  • ITMO Researchers Develop Alternative Liquid-Based THz Radiation Source

     Polar liquids, such as water, are powerful absorbents of electromagnetic waves in the terahertz range. For that reason, they were never considered as potential THz radiation sources. Last year, researchers from ITMO University and the University of Rochester proved that liquid-based radiation sources can be no less effective than traditional ones. In their new study, the staff of ITMO University’s Laboratory of Femtosecond Optics and Femtotechnologies present their research on the generation of THz radiation in liquid jets of various kinds. In the future, these findings can be used to create new alternative sources of THz radiation. The research was published in Optics Express.


  • Physicists Conduct Study of Terahertz Radiation in Liquids

    A research team from ITMO University and the University of Rochester (the USA) have conducted a study on the formation of terahertz radiation in liquids. Previously, the generation of such radiation in a liquid medium was considered impossible due to high absorption. However, in their new research, the scientists described this phenomenon’s physical nature and demonstrated that liquid radiation sources can be equally effective to traditional ones. The results have been published in Applied Physics Letters.
