Search by tag «Well-Being» 19 results

  • Recap of Bike Ride With the Rector 19.0

    Sunny weather, KronBars’ birthday, and ITMO Family – the 19th Bike Ride with the Rector, Vladimir Vasilyev, took place on May 21 and brought together around 70 people, including regular participants and first-year students. Here are the highlights of the event.


  • ITMO Thanks: New Online Platform to Say Thank You to Someone at ITMO

    Thank your lecturers and mentors for their classes and the administrative staff for their timely assistance using the newly launched online platform ITMO Thanks (ИТМО Спасибо). Over 200 messages from staff, students, and graduates have already been published on the website.


  • ITMO Named Top 3 Employer in St. Petersburg

    ITMO University is once again featured in the top of the annual ranking of employers by HeadHunter (a popular Russian job search platform – Ed.). Being the only St. Petersburg university in the ranking, ITMO was named the third-best employer in the city.


  • It’s More Than a University, It’s a Family: ITMO Students Share Impressions from Bike Ride With the Rector

    ITMO’s traditional Bike Ride With the Rector was held for the 18th time yesterday, welcoming around 80 participants. Read on for the highlights of this year’s event!


  • Digital Happiness: Winning Solutions from Be ITMO Hackathon

    The recent Be ITMO hackathon brought together over 100 participants, who spent four days developing their prototypes of digital services that can help students get the most of their university life. Winners of the hackathon shared the 220,000 rubles prize fund and secured their chance of implementing their projects with the university’s tech teams. 


  • ITMO’s 17th Bike Ride With the Rector Doubles Down on Healthiness

    Twice a year (in May and September), members of the ITMO.Family come together for the traditional Bike Ride with the Rector. This year, the cyclists, who took a slightly modified route through Primorsky Victory Park and over Yakhtenniy Bridge, could also opt to participate in the ITMO Pulse study, a part of the university’s larger project be healthy. ITMO.NEWS talked to some of the participants to learn how they stay healthy and fit.


  • ITMO Is About Endless Opportunities: The University Hosts Its Annual ITMO.LiVE Graduation Party

    This year, as per tradition, the ITMO.LiVE graduation party took place at the Peter and Paul Fortress in the very heart of St. Petersburg. Graduating students were awarded state-recognized diplomas, forty of them receiving brand new ITMO Diplomas, too. Here is what happened at the event and what the recent graduates think about their time at ITMO. 


  • How to Join ITMO’s First Large-Scale Study of Academic Quality of Life

    ITMO University is launching a large-scale study of health and quality of life in the academic environment. Over the course of three weeks (June 6-24), any ITMO staff member and student can make their contribution to science and learn more about their health. The study is part of the university’s strategic project Well-Being and its results will directly affect the quality of services that are being developed for members of ITMO.Family. Read all about the study, how to take part in it, and why it will benefit everybody.


  • How ITMO Celebrated Its 122nd Birthday

    On March 26, ITMO University turned 122 years old! Students and employees had a whole week to celebrate this occasion by taking part in various online and offline activities. Everyone could enjoy healthy snacks, play Twister, Jenga, or oversized chess, as well as become a web detective. Moreover, the be ITMO platform, which provides info on all kinds of opportunities the university provides, was launched just in time for this joyous occasion.


  • Nutraceuticals, Prosumerism, and Other Current FoodTech Trends

    Earlier this year, ITMO’s School of Biotechnology and Cryogenic Systems hosted Food BioTech, a major conference on the latest achievements in foodtech – an interdisciplinary field that brings together food production, IT, medicine, and research. Experts discussed the topical trends in the field, including functional foods, food quality and safety, sustainable development and green technologies, as well as the key to digitalizing footech and the changes in opinions on personal nutrition that were brought on by the pandemic. 
