Search by tag «XAMK University» 3 results

  • Projects by Students of DOERS International School

    The DOERS international startup school is now over. During the past two weeks, its participants have worked in teams, attended lectures by international experts, and solved various tasks. A total of 20 students from Russia, Finland, India, Iran, and Uzbekistan took part. Learn more about the event in this ITMO.NEWS article.


  • Startup Connect: International Schools, Business Competitions, and Russian-Finnish Accelerators

    After almost three years of operation, the Startup Connect, a joint project of Russia and Finland, has come to an end. It is funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation, and the Republic of Finland. During this time, ITMO University and the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK) have organized several startup festivals, international schools, and business camps.


  • Student Startups: ITMO Hosts Meeting With XAMK University and Patteri Entrepreneurship Society

    ITMO’s Interuniversity Entrepreneurship Club and the Patteri Entrepreneurship Society have organized an open mic meeting. Participants discussed student startups at universities, the need to provide financial and resource support for young entrepreneurs, and the performance of this system in general.
