The experts started with the statement that all Russians enjoy equal educational opportunities. It means that schools and universities have to be accessible for people with special needs.

Taking into account the results of a survey for ITMO University`s students with disabilities the experts of Education and Methodology Department developed a roadmap for ITMO University`s inclusive education development. It contains the recommendations on how to organize class attendance and extra academic activities. According to experts, the University has to pay attention for newcomers with special needs. It is also very important to initiate psychological trainings so as to help people with disability to adapt to studying at university. Furthermore, such students need barrier-free environment in a campus.

Anastasiya Mukhametshina, head of Adaptive Educational Services Office, explained lots of peculiarities connected with people with special needs. For example, the expert distinguished blind and partially sighted people, talked about Braille script and presented a classification of somatic diseases and musculoskeletal system disorders.

“People with disability need to be supported. All of them want to live a full life, communicate and learn something new. We have to know about their peculiarities. For example, sometimes we don`t notice that some people suffer from chronic illness. If you see that someone is out of sortsjust offer your help. It might be necessary for him or her to take a medicine,” said Ms. Mukhametshina.

Daria Mitroshina, specialist on deaf-and-dumb pedagogy, demonstrated how to communicate with people with hearing disorders using Braille script.

“Despite of the fact that sometimes people with special needs require some assistance they don`t differ from other people. The most important rule is to offer your help before to do something in order to appreciate their individual freedom,” noted Daria Mitroshina.

Elena Sharapanovskaya, D.Sc and head of Student Social Assistance Center of ITMO University`s Department of Youth Policy, focused on the special communication rules when one have a conversation with people with disabilities. One don`t has to pay too much attention to them because such people feel dependent. However, it is also very impolite to ignore them.

“I focus on the idea that all people are equal. We have to take into account the peculiarities of people with special needs but don`t have to emphasize them…Turn your pity into sympathy. Try to help such people by involving them into significant activities and interesting events,” mentioned Ms. Sharapanovskaya.