Admissions 2019
The university’s nearly 120-year history has long become intertwined with St. Petersburg: ITMO’s campuses are located in the very heart of the city, close to its main sights, and its graduates work in various fields, helping to develop the city and explore new opportunities. What’s more, in 2018 the University's new campus ITMO.Highpark has entered its second stage of development.
What do you get to choose from?
Much like in the past several years, applicants have to choose one of the university’s key educational units. This year, there’s even more of them:
School of Computer Technologies and Control
School of Translational Information Technologies
School of Photonics
School of Biotechnology and Cryogenic Systems
Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations
Institute of International Development and Partnership
What’s more, they also have to choose an educational program. This year, ITMO offers 25 different Bachelor’s programs, 78 Master’s programs, and 49 PhD programs.

Dates and deadlines
Applicants to Bachelor’s programs who choose to use their Unified State Exam scores and those who can join without entrance examinations have to submit their documents before June 26; for those who prefer to take their exams at the university, the deadline is June 10.
The first order for admission of applicants who were admitted due to their successful participation in national competitions, under the quota for target reception, or thanks to benefits will be issued on July 29. The first stage of admission will end on August 3, and the second on August 8. The order for admission on fee-based positions will be issued on August 15.
The admission for Master’s programs will have two stages. The first one that will take place on August 1 and concern students who enroll via the portfolio contest and report contest of the Congress of Young Scientists. The remaining applicants will be admitted on August 12. The deadline for submitting the documents is July 31 for the former and August 10 for the latter.

Applicants to PhD programs have to submit their documents before July 25, and will get to learn their results on August 15.
You can submit an application via a personal page on the 2019 admissions website.
Tuition-free positions in 2019
Bachelor’s programs: 1,115 positions
Master’s programs: 2,645 positions
PhD programs: 275 positions
This year, the university accepts students on full-time positions only. The university also offers fee-based education. You can find the relevant information on fees in the corresponding section of the 2019 admissions website.
Target reception
This year’s changes in the admissions campaign mostly have to do with target reception. In 2019, all applicants who have contracts on target reception have to compete among each other: those who have higher USE scores have the advantage regardless of the establishment that they have a contract with. Therefore, we can well expect an increase in the average USE score of successful applicants in this category. The requirements for establishments have increased, as well. We’d also like to remind that the minimal USE score for target reception is 240 points.

Bachelor’s programs
When applying to ITMO, you should mind that you have to choose your program right from the start. The list and detailed description of programs are available here, as well as the information on admission and average scores for the past years and the minimal USE scores for 2019 admission.
Applicants can improve their chances by getting additional USE points for participation in competitions, successful participation in some of ITMO’s projects and other achievements.
2019 will be the second year that ITMO holds ITMO.STARS, a contest that offers talented and motivated students a chance to join the university regardless of their Unified State Exam score (the only condition is meeting the minimum score requirements). You can read more about the contest’s procedure and deadlines on the contest’s website, and read about last year's winners here.

Master’s programs
ITMO offers several types of Master’s programs. Among them are industrial and entrepreneurial (you can learn more about such programs here), scientific and corporate (more info here). By 2019, the university’s Master’s programs have become geared towards the students’ individual demands: now, they have the opportunity to choose a specialization and design their own educational tracks. What is more, they get even more opportunities for doing research and participating in practice-oriented activities from the very beginning of their programs. You can read more about getting the most of your Master’s program at ITMO University in an interview with Sergey Kolyubin, head of the University’s Master’s Degree Department.
Students from other cities get the opportunity to take their exams remotely.
PhD programs
The applicants have to take exams in a specific subject that corresponds to their chosen program, as well as an exam in a foreign language (English, French or German). There’s also an opportunity to take the exam in a specific subject in English. This year, applicants’ individual achievements in research activities become an even more important factor. Same as last year, the applicants can participate in the whole cycle of the admission process remotely.

International students
Non-citizens can also apply for tuition-free positions given that they prove their compatriot status (citizens of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan don’t have to prove this status).
The set of documents for non-citizens doesn’t differ from the one required from Russian citizens. Still, there’s an important condition: if the documents are in a foreign language, you have to provide a verified translation.
Citizens of these countries can take examinations at ITMO University or use their USE exam scores. You can read more about the application process for non-citizens in the corresponding section of the 2019 admissions website (in Russian).
The admissions office is located at ITMO’s main building on 49 Kronverksky Pr