Namochi Mantu (wet the Mantoux)
39,693 subscribers
Russian language
This channel is popular both amongst representatives of the medical community and those who are just interested in healthcare, and is dedicated to evidentiary medicine. It is led by three journalists who focus on medicine-related topics - Daria Sarkisyan, Marianna Mirzoyan and Karina Nazoretyan, and offers its subscribers links to useful articles and exposure of myths and quasi-scientific theories. The channel is exclusively in Russian.
1,789 subscribers
Russian language
A great newschannel about science and technology, with sets of best news items from all around Runet. Another of GlobChan's great features is the absence of advertising. Also in Russian.
29,478 subscribers
Russian and English
The channel provides its subscribers with annotated links to news in the field of high-tech. The blog's author is Andrei Serbant, Yandex's Product Marketing Director. Despite the blog being in Russian, most of the links are to materials in English.
2,933 subscribers
English language
A portal about Data Science which has lately become a popular trend, and probably the first channel about this field. The posts mostly give links to publications which have to do with data, and sometimes detailed comments from their authors.
2 763 subscribers
Russian language
A Telegram bot by the N+1 popular science media channel; all the news items there are a set of N+1's recent articles. Despite the popular format, many of the materials are quite serious. In Russian.
Funscience – Popular Science, News and Gadgets
21 795 subscribers
Russian language
One of the most in-demand channels, popular with both those who are deeply immersed in science and those who are just slightly interested in it. Each day, the subscribers get a news digest of 15 links to news items about science, and sometimes links to other noteworthy channels. In Russian.
548 subscribers
Russian language
Less words - more action. This channel posts short videos with scientific experiments. Though it doesn't have many subscribers, it is definitely something to check out.
2 488 subscribers
Russian language
For those who love visualization. Lots of images and other materials on different topics: from articles on critical thinking to sets of GIFs that show the development of an embryo or infographics explaining different subjects using a gaming format. The content is regularly updated.
32 617 subscribers
Russian language
The official channel of the namesake website - Russian science-popular interactive magazine Naked Science. Great for geeks and those who like to be in step with progress. Every day, the channel offers its news digest - sets of articles about news of science and technology, interviews with scientists and the like.
Russian language
Chemist is a bot that provides news from the field of Chemistry, shares educational images and videos and shows experiments. Yet, its most useful feature is that it can provide you with information on request - be it the periodic table or summaries of lectures on particular topics.
Russian language
Last but not least, the bot that can help you train your brains by playing chess. Surely, it won't give you any scientific knowledge, but it's great for improving your intelligence!