Advanced Materials
ITMO Scientists Gets the Presidential Grant on Studying Quasiparticles
"Death and Life of Catalysts": Evgeny Pidko on Getting the ERC Grant and his Research Plans
Scientists Produce Water Based Tunable Metasurfaces
Scientists Develop a Graphene Matrix for Stem and Cancer Cells Growing
The Wonder Material Destined to Change the World
Nonlinear Metamaterials in Making Computers More Effective
The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics: Topological Phases of Matter over the Experimental Discovery of Gravitational Waves
Grants of 2016: ITMO University will get 90 million rubles funding for developing new hybrid materials for a new generation of optoelectronics
«Metamaterial Black Holes» Can Absorb Radiation at any Distance — a Scientist from University of Coimbra on his Recent Research.