Search by tag «Conference» 118 results

  • Safety, Resource Conservation and New Motivation Solutions - What Laboratories of the Future Should Look Like

    Cramped laboratories, full to the brim with equipment and uncomfortable chairs – all that is a thing of the past. Even ten years ago not a lot of people concerned themselves with effective planning of lab spaces. Today’s market presents new demands and standards. Labs are faced with new requirements regarding safety and efficient consumption of energy. They also become not just a workplace, but a comfortable space for those who work there. Best practices and trends in lab design are the topic of discussion at the 1st International Conference “Laboratory Space Design” at ITMO University.


  • Doctor Yang Bai: “Now, We Can Collect Energy From Light, Motion, AND Heat At The Same Time”

    Last week, the Lighting Design - 2017 International Conference organized by ITMO University's Higher School of Lighting Design and the RULD creative association took place at the New Stage of Alexandrinsky Theatre. The event brought together representatives of the scientific community and business, adherers of art and innovation technology. More than 500 Russian and international experts in the fields of lighting design, architecture, art, urban science, engineering, IT, multimedia technologies and smart fashion discussed the industry's most relevant issues. At his lecture that was part of the conference's program, Doctor Yang Bai from Oulu University (Finland) spoke about a new generation of materials for the industry of Art&Science that might change our world, as well as a new revolutionary technology that allows us to derive energy from almost everything that surrounds us


  • How China Helps Its Industry By Involving International Scientists

    This October, professor Gennady Lukianov from the Department of Sensing Equipment participated in the One Belt, One Road conference as part of ITMO's collaboration with Yantai city Sino-Russian Technopark. The event brought together international scientists and specialists from different branches of industry who were to help the Chinese build up their scientific resources. Upon getting back, Mr. Lukianov shared his opinions on the rapid-growing Chinese industry and how conferences are organized in China.


  • Why Smart Cities Need Standardization: Experts Discuss

    Last week, ITMO University and Russian Venture Company held the Smart Cities Tech Standards conference dedicated to standards in the field of digital economics. This topic becomes all the more relevant due to the rapid development of such technologies as the Internet of Things, Big Data, smart manufacturing and smart cities. At the conference, leading experts from Great Britain, Canada, China, Japan, France, and Germany spoke about the rules that will regulate such standards in the nearest years.


  • Lighting Design Conference: A Bright Future For St. Petersburg

    On October 12 to 13, the 4th International Research-to-Practice Conference on Lighting Design was held at Alexandrinsky Theatre’s New Stage. Participants discussed new methods and the best foreign and domestic practices in lighting design. The event is an open international platform for new ideas, methods and tools. This year’s conference drew more than 500 architects, lighting designers, engineers, artists, urbanists, experts in IT, multimedia and smart technologies, as well as scientists, students, and representatives of the government and the industry.


  • Digital Humanities: Digitizing History

    The Russian Digital Humanities Network, which focuses on the use of digital resources in humanities, has been around for two years already; despite its many projects having become quite popular with the Russian public - for instance, the "1917. Free History" project by Mikhail Zygar, followed by millions of Internet users, - few know much about the professional community of Digital Humanities (DH) specialists and how soft scientists work in the era of digital technology. Not so long ago, ITMO University became part of the global community controlling the development of Digital Humanities in many countries. Who help popularize the movement in Russia, what fields its experts work in and their projects - read the article to learn more.


  • Neural Networks As Translators: Jorg Tiedemann's Lecture At AINL Conference

    ITMO University has recently hosted the Artificial Intelligence and Natural Languages Conference, where experts from all over the world discussed the relevant issues of neural networks' development, semantic technologies, and deep learning. Jörg Tiedemann, a professor at the University of Helsinki, whose research is focused on improving the quality of the computer-aided translation, gave a lecture on its history and the new opportunities offered by neural networks.


  • METANANO-2017: International Conference on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials held in Vladivostok

    The annual international conference on nanophotonics and metamaterials kicked off on 18 September in Vladivostok at the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU). The conference brings together more than 230 scientists and researchers from all over the world. The conference is organized by ITMO University and FEFU with the support of the Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics (MIFP) and Russian Science Foundation. During the week, participants of METANANO-2017 will discuss the latest advances in the field of metamaterials, nanophotonics, terahertz radiation, and optical engineering, as well as get acquainted with the culture and history of Vladivostok.


  • Baltic Weekend 2017: Why Creators Will Always Be In Business

    ​Why is it that robots will never replace talented creators? Why do investors often make their choice based on who presents some product or service? How can one draw attention to the ethical problems of our high-tech future? These are the questions that were widely discussed at the recent Baltic Weekend conference that brought together experts in the field of PR and journalism that recently took place at ITMO University.


  • E-Governance: International Conference Just Ended at ITMO U

    This month, ITMO University hosted a combined conference on both “E-Government and E-Participation” called IFIP EGOV-EPART and “Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia” (EGOSE), organized by ITMO’s E-Governance Center.  The event was dedicated to creating accessible resources for the provision of online public services and discussing the challenges and prospects of using open data and the possibilities for engaging the public in addressing important public issues.
