Search by tag «collaboration» 114 results

  • Visualization and Computation: ITMO to Collaborate with University of Oslo

    ITMO’s eScience Research Institute and University of Oslo have signed a memorandum of understanding. Andrei Karsakov, engineer of eScience Research Institute, and Anna Bilyatdinova, lecturer at the High Performance Computing Department, shared the details in an interview to ITMO.NEWS.


  • Creating Quartz-Based Nanocomposites: ITMO’s New International Collaboration

    ITMO University in collaboration with Jean Monnet University (France) will develop composite nanostructures for creating "laboratories-on-a-chip", new optical memory devices, and such. Porous glass will be used as a base for these nanostructures — scientists will add different substances and use lasers to create composites with various properties. The international research team will also continue the research on the effects of different modes of laser's operation on composites, which is essential for getting particular properties. The project will be carried out at the expense of the grant of the Federal Targeted Program "Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Russian Scientific and Technological Complex for 2014−2020".


  • IOT-OPEN.EU — the New Open Course on the Internet of Things

    ITMO in collaboration with four European universities will develop a system of open educational programs on the Internet of Things — IOT-OPEN.EU. Internet of Things is about creating an intelligent network that interlinks and controls different appliances and devices. Piotr Czekalski, IOT-OPEN.EU project's coordinator for the Silesian University of Technology shared on what these courses would be comprised of, who will need them and how can a common person understand what IoT is about?


  • ITMO and SAP Launch a New Business Accelerator

    ITMO University and the SAP Company signed an agreement on ITMO entering the SAP University Alliance and launching of the SAP Next-Gen Lab — a new generation accelerator that promotes project-oriented education and gives the students an opportunity to partake in real commercial projects.
