Search by tag «Events» 122 results

  • ITMO Celebrates Graduation Day In Style

    More than a thousand of ITMO University’s graduates received their diplomas at the very heart of St. Petersburg, right by the walls of the Peter-and-Paul Fortress. The massive ITMO.Live event was traditionally held on the first Saturday of July and was available to locals, guests of the city and friends of the university. The top graduates received their diplomas from Rector Vladimir Vasilyev, Oksana Oracheva, the general director of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation and Daniil Utkin – one of the country’s most promising young students who achieved a total of 300 points on his Unified State Exam results. On that day, the attendants could entertain themselves in the interactivity zone: bond with their partner at the ITMO.LOVE zone, take home a portrait or a photo, try innovative ice-cream or become part of the university’s history through a video-message. The event culminated in a performance by the iconic St. Petersburg performers – Billy’s Band.


  • “White Night of Technology”: How to Ensure Cybersecurity and Teach Neural Networks to See

    The history’s biggest hacking attack WannaCry, the FaceApp scandal, the improved Google Assistant, Elon Musk’s “neural lace” and Facebook’s ambitious plan to reject mouse and keyboard in favor of the “power of the mind” – these were just some of the hot topics in science and technology in the last few months. These and others were discussed last Wednesday at the festival of popular science “White Night of Technology” at the Benoit1890 cultural platform. ITMO.NEWS has put together some of the most interesting bits from the discussion.
