Search by tag «Events» 122 results

  • PI School: Rising Stars – First-Hand Experience

    For several years now, ITMO has organized its PI School in spring, welcoming everyone who wishes to expand their academic horizons and is thinking about managing their own research team one day. This year, I was one of them, actively battling my imposter syndrome, as well as networking and soaking in all the knowledge. Here’s my insider’s take on what it feels like to train to be a PI.


  • E-Cycles, Universal Chargers, and Edible Packaging: Top Projects From Young Scientists’ Exhibition at ITMO

    More than 300 participants, nearly 40 projects, and a dozen of commercial businesses took part in a recent exhibition of projects by young scientists at ITMO. The event allowed its participants to not only showcase their work before a wide audience, but find partners, too. More about the most fascinating projects below.


  • Sounds of the Internet and Singing Mushrooms: New Science Art Exhibition at Russian Museum

    ITMO University’s Art & Science Center and the State Russian Museum have unveiled their new exhibition Modulations: Sound, Light, Movement, which features works by audio-visual artists. The official opening took place on February 8 in the Eastern Pavilion of the Mikhailovsky Castle. Read on to learn more about the exhibition.


  • Online Schools VS Universities: Best Education for a Career in IT

    A career in IT is the dream job for many. High wages, comfy offices, a friendly culture, and, of course, cookies – all these things draw young specialists to the industry. But what is the best education for fledgling IT professionals? This was the topic of discussion on November 9 at Yet another Conference on Education – the major online conference organized by Yandex.


  • Faster, Bigger, Livelier – Notes From the 16th Bike Ride With the Rector

    The first in this academic year, but 16th overall – yesterday’s traditional Bike Ride with the Rector coincided luckily with the last day of a short Indian summer. The event brought together dozens of students, lecturers, and staff of ITMO University. Together, they traveled the customary route through Primorsky Victory Park and over Yakhtenny Bridge. Despite a busy schedule, the university’s Rector Vladimir Vasilyev led the event – and so did the staff of ITMO.NEWS. Here’s what we saw there.


  • The History of ITMO.Megabattle

    Year after year, our students converge at ITMO.Megabattle to compete in creativity, athleticism, intelligence, and scientific prowess – all to prove that their school deserves to be called the best. ITMO.NEWS has decided to look into the event’s history.


  • Green Energy, Leadership Training, and Talent Scouting: Highlights From Day Two of Congress of Young Scientists

    The Sirius Park of Science and Art in Sochi continues to host the National Congress of Young Scientists. The event’s second day has included over 50 sessions, talks, and discussions; the informal part of the program featured quests, science battles, intellectual games, and a rather unusual chess tournament.


  • Cold and Soaked but Happy: Participants About Bike Ride With the Rector 14.0

    Eight years ago, ITMO Rector Vladimir Vasilyev headed the first-ever ITMO bike ride, which has become a beloved tradition of all members of ITMO.Family. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, ITMO students, graduates, and staff gather at one of St. Petersburg’s parks to ride side by side with the Rector, meet new friends, and, of course, take a group photo. ITMO.NEWS talked to some of the participants of the 14th bike ride to learn what they think about the initiative and how often they ride bikes.


  • ITMO.LiVE 2021 Returns to Its Roots

    ITMO’s team did everything in its power to revive the beloved graduation tradition for classes of 2020 and 2021 after a two-year break. In light of the current epidemiological situation, the entertainment part of the program was canceled. Yet all graduates still got the chance to receive their diplomas from the deans and hear the Rector’s speech in person.


  • This Stay-at-Home Weekend in St. Petersburg: Online Theater and Comedy Performances

    This weekend, wash your hands like Lady Macbeth and treat yourself to some top-notch, chef’s kiss theater and comedy performances streamed directly into your home!
