Search by tag «Automation» 12 results
Dean of Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics Anton Pyrkin Named “Professor of the Year”
Last Monday the awards ceremony for the “Professor of the Year” award in natural science was held. The award is given out by the Russian Professor Council and St. Petersburg State University. Anton Pyrkin, Dean of ITMO’s Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics was this year’s winner of the title. As an ITMO graduate, he had worked in the industry before returning to his alma mater to work in academia. He spoke to ITMO.NEWS about robotics in the early 2000’s, how science can be more exciting than business and what modern education should teach about technology.
Why Design Programs: Anatoliy Shalyto on Automata-Based Programming
Software is something developed for users — this is an axiom so evident that few even sound it; yet, it is somehow neglected. When a customer orders a program, the best he can do is use words to explain how it should work. The programmer, on the other hand, can't express its work with words or on paper, but only show it once it's done, as in most cases he does not design it, but writes the code right away. In other words, only the programmer knows its inner workings, and that is unsafe and ineffective. The situation may change with help of automata-based programming, believes Anatoliy Shalyto, Head of the Programming Technology Department.