Search by tag «MTS» 12 results

  • MTS Lead Architect Mikhail Mishurovsky on Collaboration with ITMO

    About a year ago, the MTS company started focusing on the development of AI-based products. A research group was formed as part of this new direction. The group’s specialists create virtual assistants, incorporate AI technologies in medicine and office management, as well as carry out two joint projects with ITMO University. Mikhail Mishurovsky, the lead architect of MTS’s AI research group, gave an open lecture about the company’s key projects in the field of artificial intelligence, the collaboration with ITMO, and the specialists of the future. ITMO.NEWS publishes the highlights of his speech.


  • National Technology Revolution 20.35: Universities as Driving Force of Change

    Today’s universities institute innovation ecosystems, where they send their graduates equipped with skills necessary for working in a hi-tech company. They create new businesses and jobs in the innovation sector by launching their intellectual property on the market. They also contribute to the development of urban fringes. According to the participants of a roundtable taking place as part of the third BarCamp ‘National Technology Revolution 20.35’, which has recently been held in St. Petersburg’s ‘Tochka Kipeniya’ coworking space, a modern university should adopt the paradigm of ‘changing itself, its environment, and then, people’. ITMO.NEWS reports on the highlights of this discussion.
