Search by tag «Stress» 14 results

  • To Fear or Not to Fear: Psychologist Alexander Palin on the Nature of Phobias

    The first step to fighting your fear is to learn more about it. In this ITMO.NEWS article, Alexander Palin, a board certified psychiatrist and therapist, explains how phobias work, where they come from, and whether it is possible to battle them.


  • Building Resilience and Coping With Stress

    With the ongoing pandemic and increasing distance learning fatigue, this year has demonstrated (and still does) that stress and setbacks are unavoidable. While a bit of stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing, being constantly on high alert can affect both your physical and mental well-being. That’s why we must understand stress and know the ways to manage it in order to lead a happy and healthy life.


  • What Is Stress and How to Cope With It During Self-Isolation

    What happens inside our brain in stressful situations? What is the connection between the brain and human needs? How to remain sane during self-isolation? How can procrastination actually be useful? Vyacheslav Dubynin, DSc, professor at the Faculty of Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and a specialist in physiology of the brain, answered these and other questions during an open lecture as part of KSTATI (КСТАТИ) scientific festival by the Network of Nuclear Technology Information Centers. Here are the key points of his presentation.


  • How to Deal with Exam Stress: Advice from Scientists

    Feeling stressed out during exams is completely normal. In fact, it’s not always a bad thing. A bit of stress can make a person more energetic and efficient. This happens when for example, you have some serious cramming to do the night before an exam. There is also “good” stress which includes falling in love, travelling, going through change, and being a beginner. But a lot of stress, on the contrary, can interfere with exam preparation, decrease efficiency, impair your memory and communication skills. ITMO.News discusses how to manage stress, and what you can and can’t do so that your brain works better during exams.
