Search by tag «Main» 2231 results

  • Does Your School Have the Best Programmers? ITMO Does!

    On February 19 HackerRank platform published the results of the University CodeSprint, the international contest for programmers. This year ITMO University took first place (361.9 points) by a significant margin (the team placed 2nd got only 299.58 points).


  • How to Make an Ideal Pitch and Win the Investor: Lessons and Tips from the Saint-Startup Forum

    How can a first year student create his first serious business, or persuade an investor in just 4 minutes? These and many more questions were answered at the Saint-Startup Forum last Saturday at ITMO University. The event included business games, quests, meeting with investors, an "ideal pitch session" and the final battle of startups — not to speak of life-hacks, unique success cases, and many advices from the market's experts.


  • The "Dream Tasks" of Photonics: Sergei Makarov and Anvar Zakhidov Share about ITMO’s Collaboration on Hybrid Perovskites

    In the end of last September, ITMO University and the University of Texas at Dallas won a big grant, which will be used to build Russia's first laboratory for creating new optoelectric devices based on hybrid perovskites. So, how will the unique laboratory work, what are flexible lasers and is it possible to create a teraherz device that can see trough walls? Learn this and more from our article.


  • Female Scientists on Their Work, Inspiration and the Magic of Science

    On February, 11th, it was the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Scientist is one of the world's most interesting jobs, but it sure is not easy. We've asked female scientists from ITMO University to share about how they came to work as scientists, what they dream to achieve and what inspires them.


  • International Experts on Business Incubators and Accelerators in Russia

    What are startup accelerators and business incubators about? Growing a new generation of entrepreneurs? Speeding up startup development? It hasn't been long since they've appeared in Russia, but now a Russian university can't call itself progressive if it has no entrepreneurial environment. Yet, in pursuit of modern tendencies, one must not forget the very point of creating business incubators. Tom Strodtback, Director of European and Asian Partnerships at Global Accelerator Network, and Lynn Robertson, Liverpool Incubator Manager at Santander UK Corporate & Commercial, shared about how incubators help novice entrepreneurs, who invest in startups and their impressions of the entrepreneurial environment in Russia. Tom Strodtback and Lynn Robertson came to Russia to speak at a seminar for heads of business incubators and technoparks, which was hosted by ITMO University on February 6−7.


  • Minister Olga Vasilyeva Awards ITMO’s Staff with Russian Federation Government Prize in Education

    Yesterday, on February 9th, the House of Government of the Russian Federation hosted the award ceremony for the Russian Federation Government Prize in Education of 2016. Olga Vasilyeva, Minister of Education and Science, and Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets awarded the 19 laureates. Five awards were given to members of ITMO University for developing a complex procedure for selecting and training highly qualified world-class personnel in the field of Information Technologies.


  • Meadowsweet Decoction Showed its Activity in Cancer Preventing

    Russian scientists discovered meadowsweet activity in preventing neurocarcinogenesis in rats. Having increased risks of rodents to get cancer, the researchers proved that those animals, which were given the meadowsweet decoction instead of water, had the number of brain and spinal cord tumors reduced by two and three times respectively. According to the scientists, the work determines a further research path in the field of natural cancer inhibitors. The experiment results were reported in Journal of Neuro-Oncology.


  • The Master Provocateur

    The entire captivating point of the Jan Fabre exhibition currently at the Hermitage Museum is not that it confounds critics, astounds art aficionados or even that it appeals to stalwart fans of the iconoclastic Dutch artist and theatremaker.


  • CODA: The New Approach to Virus Protection

    The never-ending confrontation between viruses and antiviruses is a lot like a game of tag: for every threat a new security system upgrade is developed, and then new malware is developed to overcome the security. Yet, what if one eliminates the very possibility of malware entering the system? Artur Hanov, CEO of the CODA Project and tutor from the Department of Secure Information Technologies, shared how to do that.


  • ITMO Opens its Chemistry and Biotechnology Research and Educational Center

    ITMO University continues to develop new competencies; recently, it opened a new research center for chemistry and biotechnology. Students will now be able to use the center's laboratories to conduct practice-oriented research, as well as work on orders from different industrial partners. Having enlisted world-class scientists and fixed with modern equipment, the center is to become the university's new calling card.
