Search by tag «Education» 217 results

  • ITMO Hosts The EdCrunchSPb Educational Forum

    Last Sunday, ITMO University became the first university in St. Petersburg to host the EdCrunch forum, which was conducted only in Moscow before. Later, the forum will "leave" for Krasnoyarsk and Ekaterinburg.


  • Nanotechnologies for Teenagers: How ITMO Promotes Physics

    What are CD's made of? Why are butterfly wings really gray? Why don’t lotus flowers absorb water? Can one write his name nanoscale? And how much space would Tolstoy's "War and Peace" take on a sheet of paper, if written like that? At ITMO University, we know how to explain nanotechnology to children in such a way that they would know that it can be both interesting and promising for one's future career. How science enters real business and why schoolers can be better than engineers at solving particular tasks — read that and more in our article!


  • It’s Hard to Be a Superhero: Rector Vladimir Vasilyev Shares Some Life Tips

    ITMO University’s Career Service Centre launched the ITMO.SuperHeroes project, the first meeting was held on 3 March. The special guest speaker, Vladimir Vasilyev, ITMO’s Rector, talked about his own super villain, the dream team and the first non-classical university.


  • Russia Is Better Protected Against Creationism than the USA

    An international group of scientists concluded that thanks to common educational standards, the Russian school curricula is better defended against onsets of creationists — those who believe that humanity was created by some god. The researchers compared the relationship between the society and evolutionary theory in both states and found out that though technological development, culture and religion significantly affect the curricula, it is the inconsistency in coordination makes education in USA vulnerable. The research was published in the Theory in Biosciences journal.


  • A New Exchange Semester Starts at ITMO University

    Yesterday, on February 6th, a new exchange semester started at ITMO University. 22 students from 9 countries came to Russia to learn IT, economics, business and cross-cultural communication.


  • Deputy Prime Minister Praised the Development of Russia’s Educational System

    At the recent "Way to Success" all-Russian conference in Sochi, Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs, stated that not only did Russian education make it into different ratings, but it has been systematically progressing since.


  • VIII Gaidar Forum: Russia’s Leading Experts on the Future of Education

    Is it all right to cut some slack to a student who doesn't know the Maxwell's equation, but can construct a motor commutator? What is the right way to assess practical skills and knowledge? During the VIII Gaidar forum, Russian and foreign experts, rectors, politicians, economists and representatives of business have revised the higher education's paradigm and separated the "innovator" and "inventor" concepts. ITMO's Rector Vladimir Vasilyev and Nina Yanikina, Head of the Project Management and Innovation Department, represented ITMO University at the event.
