Search by tag «Gaming» 22 results

  • The Future Of Games Industry: Advice To Novice Developers

    The games market continues to grow rapidly: according to data by Newzoo, in 2017 it grew by 10 billion dollars in comparison with last year, and is now at 110 billion; by 2020, it is expected to be at 128.5. Thus, game development continues to be a promising field, one just has to mind its latest trends. Romuald Zdebskiy, Microsoft's Games Lead for Central & Eastern Europe, shared about the many aspects of modern gaming industry and its future during a lecture at ITMO University which was part of the "Game worlds creation: from mathematical models to artistic image" practical course.


  • Videogames and Violence: the Pro’s and Con’s of Gaming

    The problem of violent video games, whether there is anything good about them, or do they turn kids into potential maniacs, has been around for many years already. Yet, scientific research on the subject shows that expecting a yes/no answer to it is totally wrong: one has to consider individual traits of every person. The point is, violent video games have a different effect on different people. Read more on the subject in our article.
