Search by tag «Gaming» 22 results

  • Your Guide to Gaming in Fall-Winter of 2020

    If this year’s many weeks of self-isolation haven’t already made you an adept of the gamepad and keyboard, then the fall-winter season surely will: the cold, long nights combined with a slew of anticipated releases and a whole new generation of consoles make for a potent mixture. Let’s go ahead and take a glance at all the things 2020 still has in store.


  • Lumen in the Land of Nanite: What the Unreal Engine 5 Demo Tells Us About the Future of Video Game Graphics

    Epic Games recently revealed a new demo of the fifth generation of their Unreal Engine, running live on the upcoming PlayStation 5. The Unreal Engine 5 tech demo revolves around two next-gen technologies called Lumen and Nanite. The first is promised to bring fully dynamic global illumination to upcoming titles, while the other focuses on rendering an unprecedented number of polygons in real time.


  • Five Nintendo Switch Games to Brighten Up Your Holidays at Home

    The Nintendo Switch is becoming popular all over the world and the quarantine is no doubt a contributing factor. As we all seem to be stuck at home even for May holidays, here’s a list of fascinating single-player games to set out on an adventure straight from your couch.


  • How to Find Your Favorite Video Game Genre

    Gaming is booming but you’re not sure how to get in on the action? Feel like trying your hand at world-building or impossible missions? Check out our nifty guide to help you navigate the diverse world of video game genres and find the best fit for you.


  • How Games are Changing Education

    One of the world’s largest educational events, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Conference & Expo, has recently taken place in the USA. Each year, more than 24 thousand participants attend the conference to learn about the latest educational technologies. One of the recent years’ biggest trends discussed at the ISTE Conference & Expo was the integration of games in education. But is it possible to create useful and effective educational content for mobile platforms while achieving the same level of polish as that of WoW or Fortnite?


  • How to Get a Job in Game Development

    The long-awaited Russian videogame Atomic Heart is embroiled in controversy. It wasn’t long ago that the game’s trailer racked up over 500,000 views on YouTube – a near-unprecedented number for a Russian game – but some of the game’s developers have anonymously complained of unnecessarily rough management at the studio and constant, unpredictable firings. We spoke to members of the Russian GameDev community, educators, and partners of ITMO University’s Master’s program ‘Game Development Technologies’ to find out if the rumors about Atomic Heart have any weight to them, and how newcomers to the industry can avoid such situations.


  • ITMO University and Russian eSports Federation Launch Scholarships for Gamers

    ITMO University and the Russian eSports Federation have launched Russia’s first-ever scholarship for cyberathletes. To become a recipient, students need to score well on their Unified State Exam (USE), enroll in a tuition-free program and win the cyberathlete portfolio competition. Recipients of the scholarship will be given a monthly stipend of 10,000 rubles throughout their first semester; those who pass their first exam session with high marks will continue receiving the stipend in their second semester.


  • SimCity IRL: How Citizens Help Urban Developers by Playing Board Games

    City dwellers often don’t have the chance to express their support or opposition to various urban development initiatives. And it’s not because there’s a lack of ways to do that, but that people may find it difficult to express their ideas. One way to solve this problem is to use a game-based approach, suggests Milena Ivkovic, an architect, game designer and head of Rotterdam-based company Blok74. She offers urban residents to play games as a way of showing the environment they’d like to inhabit in a simple, informal setting. Ms. Ivkovic explained her game-making process during a recent workshop at ITMO’s Institute of Design and Urban Science.


  • Game Development Education in Russia and the World

    Last weekend, ARTPLAY design space hosted the gaming festival Game Planet 2.0. ITMO University, too, joined the fun, setting up its own interactive zone at the venue. Guests honed their gaming skills, watched a cosplay show and attended lectures. Among the speakers was Andrey Karsakov, an Associate Professor at ITMO’s High Performance Computing Department and head of the “Technology of Game Development” Master’s program. Karsakov spoke about higher education in the field of gamedev in Russia and the world and its future prospects.


  • 4C St. Petersburg: Soon, Everyone Will Be a Gamer

    Every day, more and more people are becoming involved in games. Even non-interactive gaming video content attracts more viewers than HBO or Netflix. Games are no longer something enjoyed only by a limited group of computer enthusiasts; even if you never played Dota 2 or CS:GO, you become a part of the global gaming industry when you play your favorite smartphone app on the commute. Christopher Cataldi, co-founder and COO of Genvid Technologies, believes that gaming will continue to attract new users, taking over the audiences of other popular forms of entertainment. Global trends in game development were discussed by developers, owners and top-managers of companies at Wargaming’s conference 4C: St. Petersburg.
