Search by tag «Life in Russia» 137 results

  • The Art of Gift-Giving in Russia

    Socks, flowers, frying pans? With several holidays around the corner, you are likely to be both giving and receiving gifts – both are important rituals in Russia. Here’s how to make the best of them.


  • Speaking from Experience: Inspiration from ITMO’s International Students

    It's a new year, which comes with new academic and personal aspirations! We put together some pointers on living and studying in Russia from international students and instructors at ITMO University. They talk about embracing challenges and pursuing your dreams!


  • Where Bananas Become Hammers: Coldest Places in Russia

    Winter is about to kick off here in the Northern hemisphere, and that means frost will soon paint our noses and cheeks red. While the grayish view from your window can hardly create a proper festive mood, we know how to cheer you up. Wrap yourself up in a blanket, put on your warmest socks, and join us on our tour of the coldest places in Russia – where daily life requires superhuman powers.


  • Painted Mammoths and Honey: the Rescued Wonders of Bashkortostan

    Sometimes I’m struck by the fact that Russia is so big it can take a lifetime to embrace the variety of its cultures and landscapes spread along the continent. So, why not take a baby step and become acquainted with one of its many wonderful regions – Bashkortostan, a treasury of natural wonders carefully preserved by its inhabitants.


  • Discover Yamal Peninsula: Wise Up and Learn to Welcome Change

    Sometimes I am terrified by how little I know about my own country and especially its many regions. Not long ago, I stumbled upon a short course on Yamal, a peninsula in Western Siberia, surrounded by northern seas, and it shook my world in so many ways that I can’t help but share what I learn in hopes to change yours – if only a little! 


  • Down the River: Delightful Journey Through My Suddenly Unfamiliar Country

    I have a lot of tender feelings towards my country (although I cannot call myself an ardent patriot), so sometimes I am disappointed by how little of it I know and have seen. During school geography lessons, instead of studying our homeland, we sang all kinds of songs; that’s right, our geography teacher was also our music teacher. While our choir was the pride of the district, my knowledge of Russian geography was limited to a general idea of Russia’s geographical outlines and the names of a dozen large cities and rivers, mostly thanks to the numerous maps hanging on the walls of the classroom. 


  • Online Shopping In Russia: Scoring the Best Deals on Everything

    Events of these months have taught us the multiple perks of online shopping, so now we can barely imagine our routine without it. Here's how to take advantage of the most popular shopping platforms in Russia and not to get lost in a bundle of websites selling almost everything.


  • To Yandex or Not to Yandex: Russian Apps to Make Your Life Easier

    Tech giants like Amazon, Facebook, and Apple are taking over the world. We uber to places, facetime our friends, and google things up even when we do not exactly use Uber, Facetime, and Google, respectively. But what is just as popular in Russia?


  • This Weekend in St. Petersburg: September 12-13, 2020

    Yay! Another week of the new school year is almost over and it means that a well-deserved weekend is just around the corner. No plans whatsoever? No worries, with our weekly guide to the best weekend activities you have no excuse to stay home bored. Let’s plan an adventure together.


  • Russia's Most Popular Social Media Platforms

    Let’s be honest, we are all Internet addicts here. We spend every second of our days online (okay, maybe except those times when we're asleep), watching videos, browsing social media, and swiping our lives away on tablets and smartphones. Everyone knows these: YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok – they feel like second homes to us. But, wait, what do you really know about social media in Russia? Is it even a thing? Today, you drew a lucky straw, we will be your guides (and part-time MythBusters) to the mysterious world of social media in Russia.
