Search by tag «Museums» 45 results

  • The Hermitage: Getting the Full Picture

    Art is never boring. You just need to approach it right to fall under its spell. What you’ll be rewarded with is a whole new (but at the same time, wonderfully age-old) world of beauty, nuance, character, and history, as well as a potentially great new hobby and topic for small talk when the weather just doesn’t cut it anymore. How do I find that approach, you ask then? Here's how to make museum-going less of a yawn and more of a yay, through the example of Russia’s (no hard feelings) best museum, the State Hermitage.


  • Kunstkamera: Russia’s Bizarre First Museum

    Last week, on the eve of Halloween we were remembering the scary stuff from Russian folklore. This reminded me of one place in St. Petersburg: as a child, I deemed it the city’s scariest, and I still know quite a few people who swear that they will never go there again. So what’s so special about this “Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography”? What makes it so disturbing?


  • State Hermitage Photographer Yuri Molodkovets on Running an Instagram for World-Famous Museum

    Russian photographer Yuri Molodkovets, who runs the official Instagram of the State Hermitage Museum, gave an open lecture for ITMO University’s Science Communication Center. He spoke about his duties as a museum photographer, the unknown challenges of his work, and his experience of running an Instagram for one of the world’s largest museums. ITMO.NEWS provides a short summary of his lecture.


  • Future Culture Lab: Artists and Scientists Present Their Vision of Tomorrow

    How much of your personal data are you willing to share in order to enjoy various comforts? Can a neural network replace a living person? Can we cope with digital doubles? Questions posed by modern technology paint pictures that are either horrifying or inspiring, but always outlandish. Participants of the Future Culture Lab, held at ITMO University with support from the TECHNE art project and University NTI 20.35, tried to express their concerns and answer these questions through art projects that combined new technology and creative thought.


  • ITMO University Creates First Virtual Museum of Russian Architecture

    Specialists from ITMO’s Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics and the Design and Multimedia Center will create a 3D reconstructed version of the Feodorovsky Settlement in Tsarskoe Selo. The ensemble was constructed in 1917 on orders of the last Russian Emperor, Nicholas II and was intended to serve as a “live” museum of the Russian architectural style. The interiors, however, were lost during World War II. Now, thanks to virtual technology, they will be recreated and made available to all. The project is carried out in collaboration with the Roerich Family Museum-Institute, Russian Academy of Arts’ restoration workshop and I.P. Shmelev’s architecture workshop.
