Search by tag «Nanoparticles» 51 results

  • ITMO Researchers Participating in Targeted Drug Delivery Research

    Targeted delivery of medicine and genetic material to cells and tissue can be solved using micro- and nanoparticles of various types. Research in this field tends to be interdisciplinary and calls for collaboration between biologists, chemists and physicists. Mikhail Zyuzin, a postdoctoral researcher at ITMO University’s Faculty of Physics and Engineering, is working with colleagues from Russia and abroad to develop new methods of targeted drug delivery. He spoke with ITMO.NEWS about his research and working with other scientists.


  • ITMO-Developed Nanoparticle Technology Helps Stop Internal Bleeding

    Scientists from ITMO University have developed magnetically-driven nanoparticles containing thrombin. A drug based on these nanoparticles can be injected intravenously and delivered straight to the site of a vascular injury to stop internal bleeding. It can accelerate local clot formation and reduce overall blood loss by up to 15 times. The nanoparticles are not toxic to humans and can potentially be used for safe treatment. The results were published in Scientific Reports.


  • Researchers From ITMO Create First-Ever Light-Emitting Nanoantennas

    Young scientists from ITMO University have developed a new type of nanoscale light sources based on halide perovskites. The nanosources are subwavelength nanoparticles which serve both as emitters and nanoantennas capable of amplifying light emission inherently without need for additional devices. Moreover, perovskites enable tuning of emission spectrum throughout a visible range by varying the composition of the material. This makes the new nanoparticles a promising platform for creating compact optoelectronic devices such as optical chips, light-emitting diodes, or sensors. The results were published in Nano Letters, one of the leading journals on nanophotonics.


  • ITMO Researchers Team Up With French Scientists on New Type of Hybrid Nanoparticles

    Scientists from ITMO’s Department of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials have won a grant as part of a federal targeted program. The three-year project will be carried out in collaboration with the Institute Jean Lamour (France), which has a great deal of experience in production and characterization of new hybrid nanostructures which have no counterparts among the existing materials and structures. This collaborative research will include the development of methods for the creation of new hybrid crystalline nanoparticles based on two metals, metal-insulators and metal-organics, as well as proving their unique optical properties. In future, they may serve as a foundation for cheap and effective hybrid photonic nanodevices.


  • ITMO Scientists Develop New “White” Near-Field Optical Microscope

    Scientists from ITMO University have proven that a silicon-gold nanoparticle can act as an effective source of white light when agitated by a pulse laser in IR band. One such “nanobulb” was integrated into a standard probe microscope, which allowed the researchers to overcome the diffraction limit and examine subwavelength-size objects. What is more, it made it possible to study the optical response of nanoobjects on the entire visual band, and not just in particular wavelengths. Not only will the new technology make modern near-field microscopy cheaper and simpler, but it also can find use in medicine. The scientists are currently patenting their invention, while its description has recently been published in the prestigious Nano Letters journal.


  • COMSOL DAY: Tractor Beams, Optical Traps and Nanoparticle Manipulation

    At the COMSOL Day in Moscow, head of ITMO’s International Research Laboratory of Nano-Opto-Mechanics Alexander Shalin gave a talk on the new algorithms for multiphysics modeling and optical power calculations using COMSOL Multiphysics software. He demonstrated how the program can be used to model the excitement of unidirectional surface plasmon-polaritons and their optomechanical effect on nano-objects on metal surfaces. Shalin’s team uses these methods to acquire fundamental results in optomechanics and improve the qualities of such technologies as tractor beams, optical trapping, positioning of nanoparticles and other.


  • ITMO Scientists Prove Skyrmion Laser Manipulation

    In recent years the leaders of the global semiconductor industry - companies such as Intel and IBM - have faced inability to accelerate the speed of modern computing systems by increasing the density of microprocessors per unit area. This is caused by fundamental physical limitations. However, it initialized the search for new models and methods of their implementation. Electronics of the future will be based on this research. One of the fields that scientists suggested was spintronics and its subdivision - skyrmionics, which studies exotic magnetic ring formations called skyrmions. They were first obtained in a laboratory in 2010. In the future they may find use in development of more efficient memory chips. Like graphene in the field of nanomaterials, skyrmions can lead the way to go beyond 10-nanometer technological process of chip production. Researchers at ITMO University are also working in this field and have recently managed to demonstrate in theory that properties of skyrmions can be controlled using external laser radiation. The results of this work were published in the Physical Review Letters. 


  • ITMO Scientists Develop New Polymer Holograms

    Scientists from ITMO University have developed a new method of creating holograms that makes use of a polymer nanocomposite material: the interference pattern is created by nanoparticles that move inside the material due to polymerization. The chemical process proceeds under the effect of light; as result, areas that have different optical properties emerge. According to the researchers, such holograms are a more effective method of protecting valuable documents and objects, and also a great technology for producing promotional merchandise. 


  • Silicon Nanoparticles for Nanosurgery: Master’s Student Publishes an Article in Nano Letters

    Using nanoparticles for medical purposes is a promising method which remains sought-after for over 10 years. One of the most important breakthroughs in this field is optical heating of nanoparticles fixed on tumor cells. Using this method one can damage diseased cells with localized heating. To control the temperature without damaging living tissues researchers use golden particles. However, the current control methods are complicated and take lots of time. ITMO Master’s student Georgy Zograf tries to solve this problem using silicon nanoparticles. He became the first author of article devoted to the results of this study, which was published in Nano Letters.


  • Fight Diseases at the Nanolevel: How ITMO’s New Lab Works on Targeted Drug Delivery

    ITMO’s International Research Center for Magnetically Controlled Nanosystems for Theranostics  of Oncological and Heart Diseases opened recently. Its researchers plan to develop hybrid nanosystems for targeted drug delivery. The center will be headed by Anna Orlova, an associate professor at the Department of Natural Physics and Natural Science and Professor Yury Volkov, chair of Trinity Translational Medicine Institute. The specialists from the Institute of Experimental Medicine at the Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre will also join the research team.
