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Open Letter to Presidential Adviser on Internet from ITMO University’s Rector
On April 16, 2018, the Roskomnadzor federal agency initiated its blocking of the messenger app Telegram in Russia. In addition to Telegram’s servers, the Federal Agency for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media expanded its list of blocked web-addresses with more than 18 million IP-addresses belonging to Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Digital Ocean. The attempt to block a single platform resulted in complications with a wide range of third-party websites, used on an everyday basis by people in different fields of work. Scientists and professors at universities and research centers are experiencing delays and complications in their work. Concerned with the current situation, ITMO University’s Rector Vladimir Vasilyev has written a letter to German Klimenko, the Presidential Adviser on Internet Development, in which he addressed the current situation and suggested that the process be discontinued. ITMO.NEWS provides the full text of the letter.