Search by tag «Antibiotics» 3 results

  • Genome Goes Digital: IT in Genetics and Medicine

    Vladimir Uliantsev, head of ITMO University’s International Laboratory “Computer Technologies,” has presented the lecture "Bioinformatics: How genomic data helps study the origin of people and the mechanisms of disease development" at the New Holland Island Open Lecture Hall. Those who came to the event learned how today’s scientists acquire genome data, the role of programmers in that process, and what makes the results of that research so valuable. Find the highlights of last week’s lecture in the article below.


  • Decline of Antibiotics and Nanoparticle Drugs of the Future

    Ekaterina Kolesova, a second-year PhD student at the Department of Optical Physics and Modern Natural Science, recently joined the “Night of Science” initiative to talk about the lessening effect of antibiotics and their future alternatives; she also took part in Science Slam, where she spoke about ITMO University’s involvement in a European Union project on digital twins. ITMO.NEWS spoke to Kolesova about her work and how antibacterial systems will help prevent new epidemics.


  • ITMO Scientists Develop Gene Analysis Software to Combat Superbug Viruses

    Researchers from ITMO University and the Center of Physical and Chemical Medicine have developed an algorithm capable of tracking the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in gut microbiota DNA and revealed additional evidence of resistance gene transfer between different bacterial species. The method can not only contribute to the development of effective therapy schemes, but also curb the spread of superbugs. The results of the research were published in Bioinformatics journal.
