Search by tag «Cognitive Psychology» 8 results

  • Seven Sins of Our Memory or Why We Forget Things

    What do scientists know about the way our memory works? Which part of the brain is responsible for the process of remembering? Is it possible to remember everything or at least not forget the important things? Polina Krivykh, a psychophysiologist, popularizer of neuroscience, and author of the book Where Are My Glasses and Other Stories About Our Memory answers all these questions. 


  • To Fear or Not to Fear: Psychologist Alexander Palin on the Nature of Phobias

    The first step to fighting your fear is to learn more about it. In this ITMO.NEWS article, Alexander Palin, a board certified psychiatrist and therapist, explains how phobias work, where they come from, and whether it is possible to battle them.


  • What Our Eye Movements Can Tell Us – And How It’s Changing The World

    By now you must have surely heard of eye tracking, whether it was in countless online challenges or in the description of one of ITMO’s own Master’s programs, but we bet this technology still has many surprises in store. In this article, we delve a little into how it works, where it is applied and what insights the researchers have gained into the way our brain works. 


  • Cognitive Science: How Memory Works and How to Make Yours Work Better

    Ever forgot where you put your keys? Crammed for a test and aced it? Remembered how to ride a bike to your own surprise? Some might argue (and, indeed, one Ortega y Gasset does) that memory is what makes us human as it is what enables us to learn from not only the mistakes that we made ourselves but also from those made by generations before us. However true or not this statement may be, it is hard to deny our heavy reliance on memory on a day-to-day basis. But how much do we actually know about it and is this knowledge enough to benefit us?


  • Don’t Believe Your Eyes: How Visual Illusions Work

    As part of the Week of Cognitive Experiments, Valeria Karpinskaia, a PhD in Psychology and associate professor at the Department of General Psychology at St. Petersburg State University, gave a lecture on optical illusions, which are images or pictures that we perceive differently from what they really are. The researcher spoke in detail about the most popular visual illusions, as well as explained why this field of cognitive psychology still remains largely neglected.


  • Cognitive Experiments: How Our Brain Works

    Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of mental processes such as memory, attention, feelings, perception, and creativity. There are still questions that need to be answered by scientists working in this field: for example, how do people suddenly find solutions to complex problems or what is unconscious learning. In order to find answers to these questions, the research group led by Prof. Allahverdov (St. Petersburg State University) invited anyone interested to participate in a range of cognitive experiments and see for themselves how amazing and unpredictable the human brain can be. 


  • How Music Affects Our Brain

    Scientists are still trying to figure out how music affects our brain and why, just like any other art, we all experience it differently. But new discoveries in understanding the physical effect of music on the human brain are made all the time. It has been revealed that music can modify the brain structure, affect the taste of beer, and make men more attractive; it also turns out that the upbeat Beatles and the depressive Nortt are equally as good at making us feel better. In this ITMO.NEWS article, find out what scientists have learned about our relationship with music.


  • Gutenberg’s Lounge — Machines and Intuition

    Sometimes you are totally sure about something, but you just can't explain why. That is what intuition is. So, is it possible to teach intuition to a machine? And is there any point to it? Ivan Ivanchei, a research associate from Saint Petersburg State University, shared on this subject during the recent session of the Gutenberg's Lounge sci-pop project.
