Search by tag «Data Analysis» 31 results
Student Spotlight: Dorsa Abbasi, Iran
Dorsa’s move to Russia brought her more than just academic opportunities. From an unexpected encounter with a fellow passenger to the welcoming faces of teachers and peers at ITMO, her experience underscores the surprising ways culture and generosity can cross borders.
ITMO Students Develop AI Model to Detect Car Malfunctions
Daria Ledneva and Timur Ionov, students of ITMO’s Institute of Applied Computer Science, became winners in the Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis Olympiad (AIDAO) organized by Yandex Education and HSE University. Their team, AI Capybara, suggested an AI model that detects car malfunctions – a solution that drew the interest of the ridesharing service Yandex Taxi (Yandex Go).
ITMO Students to Apply Generative AI in Territorial Development Modeling
ITMO University has partnered with Rocket Group, the developer and integrator of the rTIM AI-based territory modeling platform, to create an educational module on genAI applications in spatial development. The new module will be implemented as part of the course Data Analysis and Modeling in Urban Studies.
Get Into IT With ITMO’s State-Supported Professional Development Programs
Want to start a career in IT but you already have an unrelated degree? Then you should consider applying for one of ITMO’s professional development programs in artificial intelligence. They are supported by the Russian government which covers 85% of each student’s tuition fee. There are two programs available: Data Analyst and Data Architect. The former is a good choice for complete beginners, while the latter is better suited for those with some prior IT knowledge. Keep reading to discover more about the programs and learn how to apply.
Evidence-Based Education: How Data Improves Learning & Teaching
If you want learning to be effective, you have to employ some tried and trusted methods – which are researched within evidence-based education. In this article, we look deeper into this field with Dmitry Abbakumov, the head of Center for Psychometrics and Learning Analytics at Yandex Practicum, and experts from ITMO, who talked about evidence-based education at Yandex’s Yet another Conference on Education.
ITMO's Monday Science Roundup #14
Every second Monday, we bring you a selection of the latest and most interesting news from the world of science in all its forms – from deep-cut research to entertaining pop-sci. In this issue, we’ll take a look at: a breakthrough in optical computing; new learning initiatives at ITMO; the best life hacks for students; and a pop-quiz for programming aficionados.
Data-Driven Approach to Education at ITMO
Educational programs are not only about the government’s standards and regulations. They should also take into consideration the needs and interests of prospective students and demands of the market to make the programs more attractive and interesting. ITMO specialists suggest a data-driven approach to education in order to achieve that. Ekaterina Bezyzvestnykh and Maxim Skryabin, heads of the Data-Driven Approach to Education Design summer school, discussed this concept with us.
ITMO's Monday Science Roundup #13
Welcome to the baker’s dozen installment of our bi-monthly news digest! In this overview of the latest happenings in science and research at ITMO, we’ll be looking at: promising new technologies, a new professional development initiative, and a dive into special relativity.
Applied AI Challenge: Winners’ Tips and New Opportunities for Participants
Applied AI Challenge, an online hackathon in machine learning and data analysis, will launch at ITMO on May 17. This year, it is organized in partnership with Tochka Bank and Gazprom Neft’s Science and Technology Center. Winners will be able to enroll into Master’s programs Big Data Financial Technologies and AI in the Industry without exams. Read on to learn why you should participate in hackathons, how to take part in Applied AI Challenge, and what to expect from the contest.
ITMO’s New Professional Development Programs: Data Analysis, BIM, and Web Design
ITMO University has recently launched three new professional development programs on the Open Education online platform: Data Analysis, Project Development with BIM, and Professional Web Design in HTML and CSS (all courses are taught in Russian). Upon completing each of the courses, students will get a state-standard CPD (continuous professional development) certificate. Read on to learn about the structure of the courses and the skills their students will acquire.