Search by tag «Fellowships» 3 results
Physicist Tatiana Orlova On New Materials for Soft Robotics and Working in Europe
In 2007, Tatiana Orlova received her PhD in solid state and liquid crystals physics from the Institute of Physics of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences. Since then, she has collaborated with Strasbourg University and the University of Bordeaux in France, the University of Twente in the Netherlands, and the University of Southampton in England. Two years ago, she joined the ITMO Fellowship & Professorship program that brings together experts in different fields. In this interview, we asked Tatiana about her international experiences, the projects she is working on at ITMO, and the advice she’d give to young researchers.
ITMO PhD Student Anna Mikhailovskaya Receives IEEE MTT-S Graduate Fellowship
Anna Mikhailovskaya, a PhD student at ITMO’s Faculty of Physics and Engineering, received a graduate fellowship of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society in the category Medical Application. It’s the first time the award was given to a Russian scientist.
ITMO University Professor Wins L’OREAL – UNESCO ‘For Women in Science’ Contest
The results of the 2018 ‘For Women in Science’ contest have just been announced. Launched in 2007, the prestigious fellowship program is organized by Russian Academy of Sciences and Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO in Moscow. This year, ten researchers from Russian scientific and educational centers were distinguished for their contribution to science. The awardee list includes ITMO University Biochemistry Cluster professor Ekaterina Skorb.