Search by tag «Food delivery» 6 results

  • Top Spots for Russian Fast Food in St. Petersburg

    From classic borscht and pelmeni to funnily-named desserts, Russia, too, has fast food on lock. These domestic chains serve starters, entrees, and afters – both traditional and with a novel twist.


  • Best Pizza Spots in St. Petersburg

    Crispy, meat-free, or with pineapple on top: no matter how you like your pizza, you can’t really go wrong by popping into one of these pizzerias for a slice of your favorite comfort food.


  • Our International Students’ Go-To Lunch Spots

    The renowned American chef Alice Waters once said: “Food can be very transformational, and it can be more than just about a dish.” When it comes to food, everyone has their own unique preferences. And luckily, there are options galore in St. Petersburg. But what about international students? Do they prefer cooking foods from home or adventurously trying something new? Let’s find out.


  • Online Shopping In Russia: Scoring the Best Deals on Everything

    Events of these months have taught us the multiple perks of online shopping, so now we can barely imagine our routine without it. Here's how to take advantage of the most popular shopping platforms in Russia and not to get lost in a bundle of websites selling almost everything.


  • To Yandex or Not to Yandex: Russian Apps to Make Your Life Easier

    Tech giants like Amazon, Facebook, and Apple are taking over the world. We uber to places, facetime our friends, and google things up even when we do not exactly use Uber, Facetime, and Google, respectively. But what is just as popular in Russia?


  • A Guide to Food Delivery in St. Petersburg

    Food delivery is one of the best inventions of the modern age, if you ask me. It’s a great option when you’re tired (or lazy), busy, or simply bored with what you usually eat. It may also come in handy during these troubling times when you shouldn’t leave the house too often. We have compiled a guide to food deliveries available in St. Petersburg based on personal experience.
