Search by tag «IT specialists» 12 results

  • Meet Russia’s First AI Service for Outstaffing IT Teams

    Students of the Artificial Intelligence Master’s program by ITMO’s AI Talent Hub and Napoleon IT have created an AI-powered platform for browsing job offers and hiring IT experts. Talent Matcher helps novice specialists find suitable internships faster; startups and corporations can turn to the service to assemble efficient teams for their projects. Currently, the online platform is used by over 5,000 people and 89 companies, including Wildberries, Napoleon IT,, RuTube, and X5 Tech.


  • ITMO Professor Anatoly Shalyto on Mentorship for IT Students

    2023 is declared the Year of Teachers and Mentors in Russia. Five years ago, Prof. Anatoly Shalyto was among the first lecturers in Russia to have received the prestigious award “For Mentoring.” This year, Dr. Shalyto, a leading researcher at the Information Technologies and Programming Faculty, celebrates his 75th birthday. We talked to the esteemed professor about his work at ITMO and the new challenges in mentoring IT students.


  • New Online Master’s Program: ITMO & Yandex To Train High-Load Systems Developers

    Continuing their successful history of collaboration, ITMO University and the Russian tech giant Yandex are launching a new fully-online Master’s program for future high-load systems developers. Learn more in this article.


  • ITMO Launches Open-Source Mentorship Program

    ITMO’s Research Center “Strong AI in Industry” has launched an open-source mentorship program that will allow students to work at the university, helping research groups develop open-source frameworks and libraries. Read on to learn about the program’s perks.


  • ITMO.EduLeaders Winner Andrey Sukhovitsky: The Industry Needs IT Specialists Who Not Only Code But Can Easily Integrate Into Production Processes

    Andrey Sukhovitsky graduated from ITMO’s Information Technologies and Programming Faculty. Like many of his fellow students, Andrey started working at an IT company when he was still a student, and already then he acquired an interest in teaching. As he admits himself, he strived to become a passionate teacher and a true mentor for his students, always there to help them if they needed it. Now, the lecturer not only delivers a software design course but also introduces novel educational approaches. For instance, he figured out a way to simulate real industrial processes that are at work in modern IT companies at the university. His project received an award at the ITMO.EduLeaders contest. In the article, Andrey Sukhovitsky speaks more about his experiment and explains why programmers need soft skills and higher education.


  • Outcomes of 6th St. Petersburg International Labor Forum

    The 6th St. Petersburg International Labor Forum took place on March 14-18. This event brought together representatives of business, administration, science, education, and HR. They discussed new tendencies and challenges of the labor market, such as the lack of IT specialists. Read on to find out more about the measures taken by employers to solve the pressing problems, as well as what to expect in the future.


  • ITMO University Joins Digital Professions in Russia Initiative

    From now on, thanks to the Digital Professions in Russia initiative, Russian citizens have the opportunity to become IT specialists by completing online courses at half the price.


  • ITMO Graduate Alexey Ivanov on Life and Work in Silicon Valley

    Having moved to the United States ten years ago, Alexey Ivanov is now a principal engineer at Dropbox. ITMO.NEWS talked to the ITMO graduate to learn more about what difficulties he faced when moving to a new country, how much IT specialists earn in Silicon Valley, and how different business cultures in Russia and abroad are.


  • ITMO Launches First-Ever Project-Based Master’s Programs for Future IT Specialists

    The new format will let students design their own learning track, choose courses that they genuinely enjoy, and, most importantly, work on technologically challenging projects under the supervision of top-tier IT professionals.


  • IT Careers: Veeam Developer on How to Do a Test Task and Get a Job Offer

    Mikhail Bryksin, an ITMO graduate and a Veeam developer, frequently assesses candidates' test tasks. ITMO.NEWS talked to him to learn more about useful hacks, tips, and details to pay attention to when applying for a developer job.
